
you just said it yourself though, THIS IS the discounted old line, it is BUDGET, which means OLD SHIT IS IN IT. they made it a pretty color and you buy it up for 100$ instead of getting say an old 5 for 50$ with the same exact shit in it.


1 major flaw in your explination, when the 5s comes out, or the 6, the 5 will become the budget iphone, and have the new connector, which, by the timing of things, looks like both this new ugly thing and the 5s/6 will be coming out at the same time. and as far as i see it, unless this thing sells for 0-100$ on

i only bought up the viewing angle, because my 65" sharp has the same viewing angle as my plasma so for 95% of people it is a non issue, also led has the thinness factor over plasma. i was just saying there used to be a HUGE difference between plasma and lcd now it is not as big.

well, plasma used to have a lot of advantages for watching movies, darker blacks, more vibrant color, and to some extent still do, but when LED came out it kinda evened the score, now the difference is that plasma is heavier than lcd/led and usually uses more wattage and thus generates more heat, viewing angles are

well, i have an idea for a driving range that will actually attract people to come, instead of just the old folk.

my question, how many people are going to buy these and throw them up on ebay for the rest of the world to try, would LOVE this thing for camping and outdoor activities, setup, get pandora working (or local music depending on HDD size and you are set, more power? bring a solar charger and some speakers.

THE FUCK IS AUDIOSURF SUPPORT FOR THIS!? seriously if i could program i would be ALL over this. its like being one with your music 101.


kyle stop using the "early analysis" as they use a pc with the same speed RAM and same operating systems and same amount of useable ram. it was in theory, and their theory was wrong, the ram was way to slow to be used by the ps4, the memory difference was not shown, and the operating systems and drivers were the same,

that test was done on a PC with just 2 amd cards, and is nowhere near the real test, which is why when it came out i said it was stupid and didn't do anything, they both have special made and tailored drivers for each system and the ps4 is using ddr5 ram for the entire system which gives MASSIVE headroom over ddr3, no

all i see out of this is a 1-2% performance increase, and 2-5 degrees more of heat, over 10 years, is it worth 53mhz? we all know you are slower than the ps4 and 53mhz is not going to make you match it. microsoft doesn't have a good track record with heat issues.

without reading and totally jumping to conclusions, i thought they were putting together a real life optimus prime.... then i read it, let down again.

aware, billy, it is what as known as a JOKE. but still the noisy cricket was an iconic weapon, more so then a water gun by joan jett, i mean really now...

indeed, Kelsey, you have some explaining to do. did you never watch m.i.b.? if not you have missed a giant chunk of childhood.

iconic is shooting yourself back ~50 feet, thats god damn iconic. i'm appalled this wasn't in the article hahaha

yea i have one of those, the nvidia intel setup would switch back and forth, only turning on the dedicated for heavy use and intel for anything else, now it is all done from software with dedicated cards and all that, no user input needed.

well the thing to take out of this review, is it is kind of meaningless. they took an off the shelf pc with 2 video cards and ran video game benchmarks, great and dandy, except pc games are coded to work with hundreds of video cards and resolutions. ps4 and xbone games are meant to work with 1, this gives the devs

YOU BEAT ME TO IT! it was the first one i thought of hahaha

well the problem is, they try to lower costs for THEMSELVES but then keep all the pricing the same or raise it for their customers, like for instance, how this is all happening and TWC just announced it is raising the monthly fee for modem rentals by 1.50$ sounds like nothing, nets them 150 million at the end of the