
except the cars would be full of drugs and homeless people orgies.

already talking and licensing with laptop people. fyi

on the ear.... in this case, curves. ;)

i mean, it should be called the 3 hour 15 minute and 3 second slushie.... just sayin.

i'm not defending anyone here, im an android lover haha but just saying, twitter isn't really a good way to measure how many people own a device, thats like make a graph for mac vs windows pc by measuring how many people connect to steam from their pc.

besides the teenage girl tweet thing, (which personally i find true) he is correct, android sales CRUSH iphone mearly because there are 1000+ android models floating around and ?8? versions of the iphone. 3 of which are being sold right now. so 3 models vs 1000, android has more users. obviously not more users using


i have the nyko battery+grip for my vita and i get like 13-17 hours of gaming, pure gaming. on my phone i can get 4-7 depending on what game it is(really important, a sega genesis emulator will run longer than a game like CSR racing or something intensive like that. plus the quality of game on my vita is so much

these look like absolute craptastic buttons to press. just saying.

love that he threw the paddle. just wish you heard him go FUCK THIS GAME CHEATING FUCKING ROBOT

"In terms of the GPU hardware, hard information was difficult to come by, but one of the engineers did let slip with a significant stat - 768 operations per clock. We know that both Xbox One and PlayStation 4 are based on Radeon GCN architecture and we also know that each compute unit is capable of 64 operations per

I'll have to find where i read it, but anyone can assume that with 3 operating systems running at all times, there is going to be processor spaced used to keep them going. and gimped as in compared to, the ps4 has 50% more graphics power (that is cited and verified, they counted the cores and all that, it is double)

i mean, not for nothing. but my 50$ roku has all those streaming services... and an easy to use remote. and i can play angry birds on it... and the battery literally lasts forever. saves me 450$ AND 60$ a year for the service, to stream and pay for other services. i don't see how people see this as a plus. i really

it can't play games just as well, developers have stated that about a dozen times thus far. it has a smaller GPU and 3 cores of the 8 are used for the operating system, that is an extreme disadvantage a couple years down the road when developers learn how to use all the cores and graphics, not to mention it is using

just saying what it is. it isn't a game console anymore. new lg tv's come with game streaming and controllers, those aren't game consoles.

oh i love my PC, a ps4 or xbone could never come close to having 6 screens and a surround sound system playing a game, it is just impossible, but i mean for lan parties, tournaments etc. always need more than one console and if you live alone NBD about unplugging the xbox and bringing it, but if other people in the

oh yea it does, i was just stating that the xbox is a MEDIA console, and should be marked as one, even tv's today can stream and play video games now, they are not gaming consoles.

you just stated exactly what this is, you are paying for a 500$ MEDIA console. i don't want a media console, i want a GAME console, one i can turn on and play games with, and unplug and bring to a friends house. none of this plug everything into everything and super glue it to your entertainment system because it will

yea well i would assume the ps4 will not even bother doing ps2, unless sony bought psx2 emu and applied it to the x86 ps4, that would be a nice surprise, i also want to know if they will include a ps1 emulator inside the ps4...

the ps3 can play ps1 games, i use them all the time in my 40gb, even upscales and makes them pretty. haha