
this, plus cars = ALL THE MILEAGE, and windshield wipers will be out of a job i suppose.

i'll take 1 in green please, now take my money.

i feel like a laptop would be fine so long as it is on a table and not a lap, cause the shovel wont bend down,anything else though, no way.

i assume it was for page clicks, why don't they say that it is 12 rooms because the closets were so spacious that you could sleep in them, and it was only 280 square feet, that will get page views. -_____-

420 square feet, gizmodo, the dude said it not 10 seconds into the video.... don't know where you pulled 350 from... but still, this looks like an awesome place to live in.

it would give those helicopters on cops a run for their money, so long as this guy makes a pair of jeans to match, or else you will see a pair of hands and legs but no body.... awkward.

i mean, from a statistics standpoint, the number of drunk driving deaths would go WAY down... just put a radio in it and some air conditioning, drunk persons dream vehicle to drive home.

wow, what a grand idea, except those systems are even easier to hack and infect, troll.

im on wireless, with a 50mb connection and a roku, and i never get the quality dips, on my phone i do sometimes but that is apples to oranges.

oh no not at all, but its fun to do, plus it was an add on point to not needing "laser control" accuracy to hit a ball.

well my assumption seeing as i have not been shot or been hit with chemical crap, is that 1 is torture and the other hurts a lot and then you die, i guess in our made up rules about killing things, it's ok to shoot them with metal things, but not poison.

haha this is one of those *if a mens line comes out its weird* situations... not feeling a man thong, rather free ball it. besides, really now, what is a g string blocking? as might as well wear floss.

yea i was trying to reply to both you and the commenter below, i feel like after chemicals have been introduced you cross the line, bullets and combat is one thing, but to poison and torture the enemy is over the line of acceptable, ESPECIALLY if its civilians.

so commando is a necessity now? i feel like underwear companies will be not so happy about sales going down because people want smooth butts.

now, im no pro here, i go to the range about 2 times a year... that said, i have yet to miss hitting a golf ball, ever. i even perfected the art of the happy gilmore swing (which by the way surprisingly works) and they use golf carts, and have bar tenders to get you drinks and shit. i mean come on now there's a limit

oh and this stuff kills people, not just cough and seizure.

i think civil war is kind of a tricky issue, i mean the french did help us out back in the day so its not we aren't allowed. i feel like it has to be extremely 1 sided or some kind of war rule has to be broken (like using chemical weapons) before there is intervention, and if this is found true, it should be

i think they were referring to when a kid gets caught, the company suing them for 50,000,000$ instead of the 150$ that the book costs.... or the 1$ song they downloaded and having them pay 50,000$....

i have a resolution of 5760X1080, and my 6950 does me damn well in all high settings, i was actually thinking about grabbing 3 more monitors but i know that would need 2 cards, however with all this 4k talk, i may just wait it out and grab 3 of these bad boys when they come out, ohhh bf3 at that resolution, i would be