I want to do a courthouse thing but with a bridal shower. Best of both worlds!
I want to do a courthouse thing but with a bridal shower. Best of both worlds!
Same here. DMD is such a shitty actor in it. I couldn’t bear anything more than 1 episode.
HOLY shit. What the............that is seriously one of the weirdest...dresses? that I have ever seen.
Eh, just trying to be self-deprecating.
OMG!!! Your comment reminded me that I was at a concert the other day and there was a guy who I swear was wearing a women’s fitted blazer. Like, every time he stood up I saw that his hips were accentuated and it looked like he had breasts. It was really jarring. It had one button like Josh’s up there. Ugh. I mean, I…
Same here. Stuff like this always catches me really off-guard. Like I wasn’t a real teen or something. Well, I was.
I wasn’t. I actually didn’t drink until maybe 20. And I was a virgin until 21. I was extremely sheltered and I just went to school and had a job. My sisters were like that too and we always complain that my mom doesn’t realize how good she had it because we were zero trouble whatsoever. I just hope my kids are like…
Great to know!
I’ve seen a (much less involved) version on Lisa Eldridge. Actually, I don’t know if it’s called contouring, but it’s just using lip liner to extend your lip...line a bit if you have thinner lips. She may have used some color to highlight the nearby skin but I’m not sure. I’ve tried it once and liked the result, but…
My name is Elizabeth! A+
I actually love this. I’ve been having BDD issues with my chin especially lately, and I think remembering this comment when I look in the mirror is going to help a lot. :D
“If she has sex, she will become a loud person!”
It seems like they would be double white for that reason (like they have for the carpool lane, apparently). Too many lines!
I consider myself an artist (what’s an outsider artist?), but I’m super afraid of giving art to people because I feel like they hate it. I’m extremely critical of myself, though people *say* they like my work. I have a wedding to go to in July and want to make something so bad, but I’m really scared of doing it,…
Good to know. I googled my state specifically and found that it is advised not to change lanes over solid lines, but isn’t illegal (like a yellow speed sign). The tunnel I talked about is specifically mentioned: Lowry Hill tunnel.
Q. If there’s a solid white line between lanes, that means you can’t change lanes there, right? I get so flippin’ mad at people who do that. It’s there for a reason, people! Like, one place near me is on a highway going through a tunnel on a very sharp curve. Solid white lines, but people weave in and out like crazy.…
He almost looks like a male Alison Williams.
I would say wait. I went to it and felt it was a waste of money, but then again, I paid $11.25 for some reason. It’s a good enough movie, but not really worth that.
It’s honestly amazing to me that she’s bragging about her hard work going through thousands of pictures of herself for a book about herself. It’s so many layers of unbelievable vanity. Imagine the mindset of a person like that...and how it just continues on because people actually perpetuate it. I mean, 5,000 favs.