
I worked in a similar situation one time (at a factory) where a guy started on the same day as me. He SHOT up the ranks and I was literally left in the corner, doing simple assembly. That place was the most blatantly sexist place I’ve ever seen. Nobody ever even spoke to me. Seriously, nobody spoke to me except one

I work in tech (this particular job was coding) and there’s a guy who I really think resents me for being a younger woman coder who has the gall to even talk to him, much less suggest ideas. He’s extremely rude in emails and flies off the handle particularly towards me. There are male coworkers to whom he acts more or

I saw your user name yesterday and thought it was "sia". Anyway, "Elastic Heart" is my favorite of hers when it's just her. I hate The Weeknd's part so that tempers my enthusiasm. I just listen to the video when I want to listen to the song since he isn't in it with his baby affected voice.

It seemed to me like this episode set the clock back 30 years.

I felt so much better after my sister pointed out the Canada thing because their budgets were often like $800,000 and I was super depressed about that. Still a lot of money, but not quite as staggeringly gross.

No, they can’t. I find it really uncomfortable-looking.

I have this friend who’s insufferable with the child comments and other comments, but I can’t bear to unfollow this person because I love being indignant towards him/her.

I would guess stein. I have a similar thing with the word "wide" for some reason. I always want to say "vee-da" like it's German. I don't even think it's a word in German. I really don't know why I do this, but it's a very consistent problem for me and I can't recognize "wide" as an English word.

12,106...I am going to guess you were born in maybe summer 1982? Hi fellow 1982-er!

A similar thing happened with my grandparents. My grandma spent a lot of the time making lists of who to call when my grandpa died. She also did a lot of cleaning. The cleaning was understandable I guess, but the list-making was pretty odd.

Someone has been stealing catalytic converters out of cars at one of our offices. It’s hard to believe that people do things like that. Are car parts THAT valuable? I honestly don’t know.

OMG. There is one person I work with who is ALWAYS out on Friday afternoon. Like, it should really just be her schedule. Every week an email goes out about it. Why not just make it your schedule??! Plus, one time someone joked “It’s Friday, nobody works anyway.” What, did we move to a new universe where we have 3 day

I thought you were going to say they were all the same girl! Still a good story.

Just the other week, a coworker of mine called in sick. Later that day he reported to us that it was because he had a repetitive strain injury from clicking too much. Ok, I’m willing to accept that repetitive strain injury happens, maybe even from clicking (?...Hesitant to cry foul on that because I’m sure people have

My coworker just told a story about someone she knew who got hit by a car while she was walking. The driver was backing out of the driveway and hadn’t scraped the frost off the car. I do not understand that. My car has a backup camera and sometimes I feel like I’m overly checking because I look all over the place

Hahaha...there was this girl in my middle school who carried around a battery-operated curling iron with her all day and would place it on top of her books on her desk. I’ll never forget that.

My mom once asked me if I had been smoking because my jacket smelled like it. I’ve never smoked a single time. It was really sad when she asked me that.

God, period stuff when you’re a teen is so bad. You have no idea how to control it or how your body expels it so that you can keep it from getting everywhere. I am so thankful I’m not that age anymore.

A few years ago I was in love with a guy who was sort of done with me (he was a narcissist and lured me in and then completely threw me away). While we were together, I introduced him to Sigur Rós. I maintain that going to one of their shows will change anyone’s life. So I found out they were coming to town about 6

I was wondering if that was him. AV Club always uses that picture for him, but I couldn't remember if it was Brett Ratner or someone else.