
1. Never said they did. Argue the points being made, not the ones in your head.

For the phone based ones, yes. Tinder and Bumble both require Facebook to sign up. The web based ones like OK Cupid don’t.

I used to have a hang-up about men wearing flip-flops in public. I thought they only belonged at the beach. Guess who now wears them around town in the summer.

i guess they were willing to accept him, warts and all, for almsot 30 years, but enough was enough.

He was a bit of a dick. I worked with him.

You clearly haven’t seen their Border War Chant.

The problem, I think, is that we are so polar at this point we really need the people to own up to what things are and be deliberate about their actions. Would be so much nicer to hear ”Yeah that was a tradition, but it was also kinda racist and so we decided to cut it out because we’re better than that.”

At this point, aren’t we better off not even questioning the why behind it and just chalk it up as a win?

Had no idea. None!

Man, you can’t just spring that photo on people unprepared! Makes the room all dusty and stuff.

agreed, he was no prince.

That is like saying a wedding cake is “just a dessert” .

I found her routine to be on the level.

Don’t worry, Magic will have his AIDS look into it.

I’m going to go out on a judgmental limb (based on what was written here and the clip) and say that if you’ve been on 146 first dates with guys that you picked and not one of them was interesting enough to you to merit a second date, it’s you not them.

Listen. Everybody has that one bad day (or a few.) Some of them happen to be typo-related. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I’m currently dating my PS4...

And somehow I’m still fucking single.

“Girls would sleep with me, but they wouldn’t date me...”

I had never seen nor heard of Michelle Collins before I watched this show last night, but holy avocado toast, Batman! That woman is a goddamned DELIGHT.