
“The game officials will be held accountable for the error through the Conference’s game evaluation and disciplinary process,”

I have the same issue with Breath of the Wild and my wife still refuses to watch All Good Things, the final episode of Star Trek:TNG for similar reasons. 

And on behalf of users, I would just like to point out take making users periodically reset their password is no longer considered good security practice, so stop doing it maybe you wouldn’t have so many people locking themselves out.

Oh man, another “players can help me” thing. Call me a grumpy old man or whatever, but I really hope none of that is necessary to complete the game and that I can just play the game by myself. Kojima was constantly saying that the creature he fought was just fodder in terms of alien enemies you fight and it just makes

Mr. Ped 

They already tried that at Santa Anita.

I’m not sure I’d want to see Intergluteal Cleft opening for anyone.

“Every story deserves a happy ending.”

Gourmet coffee said he’d just be out for a minute to grab some smokes. That was 15 years ago. :(

Maureen Dowd: “Let me eat cake”

It’s really too bad that SF doesn’t have an MLS team to declare a domestic terrorist organization.

To start off, most hunts will take at minimum 20 minutes and are designed to flow as Post Quest > Manage Item/Equipment Loadouts > Track Monster > Hunt Monster > Return to Base/Camp.

Missing: One big Bowie bulge

“I used to have trouble getting it up, because of E.D.*

He’s a role model for every high school kid, surviving a cock block on the way to second base.

“i kissed a girl, she disliked it” probably wouldn’t have been as big a hit

That is pink

Wow. Usually it is their major league affiliate doing all the choking.