
Maybe there’s a chink in the armor snafu with the editors at ESPN.

Ugh. Too many factual inaccuracies.

Okay, Japan has officially gone too far with their vending machines.

Toucher & Rich?

Do Roy Rogers exist outside of NY State Thruway rest stops?

Yeah, the 85 percent of the country that has no idea what Roy Rogers is or where they’re located.

Has anyone reached out to the Tequila Cowboy for comment or is Jerry Jones too busy to talk?

See one thing you’re missing about the ending though. The flashforwards. They aren’t always flash forwards. They are sometimes the afterlife. It’s a matter of figuring out which are which. eventually, after they each die, they all meet in the same afterlife party and all re-connect before moving on.

The finale, like The Last Jedi, was good.

I guess I don’t get how you can play the “we’re doing real journalism” card when the NY Times busted the story wide-open with 5 sources in what, a few weeks since the Weinstein stuff broke? And you’ve supposedly had it for years?

Stephen A. Smith has a scorching hot take about the Lombardi Trophy wearing that hoodie.

Steelers, as a team, have absolutely had the best celebrations this year.

Well, inmates do have a lot of spare time on their hands.

The Portnoy system just doesn’t have the same success rate though.

Even Dennis Reynolds thinks this guy is a fucking creep.

At this point it’s probably easier just to name all the women who weren’t harassed/assaulted/raped by this blubber fuckboy.

So you are saying they should have hired Andy Dick?

I’ve never done cocaine. Is it true people like to snort it from between [redacted]? I’ve seen people use dollar bills in movies, but never a rolled-up FOIA request.

First, Hollywood is a pretty small community of people, especially on the star level. Agents and reps all know each other as well. The talking part aside - just read the stories from the victims. One victim is talking about how multiple people told warned her about Harvey before her meetings with him.