I don’t know who you’re talking about, but this GenX-er (and everyone she knows) has always known that Blazing Saddles is a work of satirical genius.
I don’t know who you’re talking about, but this GenX-er (and everyone she knows) has always known that Blazing Saddles is a work of satirical genius.
PS: I think Shallow Hal would’ve been a solid entry no this list. Opinion of the movie itself aside, I cannot see that storyline going over well today.
“Stop “just asking questions” if you won’t listen to the answers.”
I’m a nurse at a major general hospital. We’ve seen a lot of death and suffering. Talking to fellow nurses, and doctors, the people in our lives “just asking questions” have no interest in listening or believing our stories. I’ve given up on those people, because analyzing past data, you come to the realization: they…
Stop “just asking questions” if you won’t listen to the answers.
It also amazes me that people are that shitty. Returning a game you beat and enjoyed sucks. I know you have to have systems in place to prevent that kind of abuse, but I wish people were just cool about it.
Maybe they could implement a system were a dev can flag their game as short so if a player were to 100% a game it would no longer be available for refund.
So that’s why he’s called Winnie the Pooh.
And her kids.
A poison.. that comes with a great tax break, special breaks at work and school, and big helpings of good ol’ cognitive dissonance and hypocrisy.
Religion is seriously a poison on humanity.
The worst part of this is it will probably reaffirm her faith and make her even more of a looney.
God can take the wheel, so long as the state has her keys.
You might not like it but this is what peak patriotism looks like.
If only there was a publicly funded way of transporting large groups of people all over the island without needing to have everyone drive their own car.
This. It really is that simple. Just like them.
I use to wonder the same thing about Hitler then Trump came along and I got watch it happen in person. The answer I think is real basic. The vast majority of Trump people; that’s what they look like. Pudgy, pasty, white people who are dumb as bricks. They look at this dude who is just as or even more mediocre than…
Unfortunately, his followers see strength and intelligence as opposite sides of a spectrum, as opposed to the latter being the source of the former.
every time I see a moderately high res picture of him it still blows my mind—how can ~40% of the population see everything that I see in that picture—the small pale hands, glowing orange foundation, bad combover, ill-fitting suits, tubby body, etc.—and think that that projects or exemplifies strength, leadership,…
Oh, Honey.