
And They Danced:

Wife says to start training all girls early to be kick-ass warriors. I don't disagree. Men suck. My 6 year old could probably fend off most men at this point & that makes me happy.

Hrm. Annalee is greyed out... I... I'm... afraid.

While I don't think there's anything "feel-good" about the BBC Misfits, this is my fave, hands down:

The stitches aren't what bothers me. It's the unhealthy color of the skin... that looks quite unlike normal bruising. Hopefully he has some abx available.

Why are marathoners irrational?

HERMIE IZ DAH BESTUS! Seriously, he's the only champ I ever paid money for.

I watched til the last 2 seasons.. but a reboot?

Back in the 80's, when I was a wee PnP gaming lad in my early teens, I played dense folks with good hearts. One was the equivalent of a half-orc Druid (in a game long since forgotten by popular culture - not DnD), I was trying to come up with something that sounded druidy. Druids like nature, nature is earth, so

Dads made it, but not this? We are Men made it, but not this? SUPER FUCKING FUN NIGHT made it, but not this.

This is an old article that I link-clicked to, but I'd hope that compassion for their fellow creatures would be what brought humanity around to veg... oh, wait. I'm assuming that "humaity" is compassionate. Nevermind, carry on.

Holy hell... that was AMAZING. The Calvin one was even better. Thanks

How is this not near the top of the list? Or... THE top of the list, followed by the original Fallout?

You may not be immune to disease, but that shouldn't stop you from having fun. If you take a few precautions, you'll lower your risk significantly... and even if you get sick, you'll have had a frikkin' awesome time!

PAX Flu is infamous. Get your vaccinations, take purell & make sure your hands stay clean. Drink plenty of fluids (water is good), & load up on vitamin C if that's your thing. Get at least some sleep.

Um, here, vous-etes wrong. In todo el mundo where people speak more than one language fluently on a أساس منتظم tend to mix them up. There's a reason why spanglish, various pidgins, et aussi des creoles exist. It's a form of code switching.

Thanks - I just like to build things. Is it still always online? Do I need to be connected to other cities for mine to be effective?

...was it ever fixed enough to be played? Honestly, everything I read on Kotaku (& other sites) dissuaded me from buying it. I have all the other SimCities.... is it worth it to pick this one up now?

I still don't understand why Superman didn't just fly straight up while holding Zod in "The Man of Steel".