
Gary is by far the best character. I could watch a Gary & Bill spin off easily. Especially if it had Sheldon Cooper & Penny & Amy Farah Fowler.

The Doctor would not be amused


Oh, and Rosen's gonna wake up Alpha. If the Alpha gene is recessive, he still has to have one set of genes to have passed it on to his daughter.

I was furiously elbowing my wife during the Fastball Special. I seriously wanted Kat to start chewing a cigar.

I was hoping that Danielle's ghost was an Alpha & was urging Rosen to kill Parrish his behest, thus setting up Rosen & giving Parrish a final rest. But no.

Ok, expand on this please. I'd read a book that had this opening paragraph. Too damned finny.

"Fur Is Back Big Time — Here’s Why: people don't give a crap about who or what they hurt as long as they think they look good."

... if I were back in my college days, and I were shrooming, these would have killed me.

I like Cloud Butts and I cannot lie!

I'm just ticked off at how many times they've said "Doctor Who" this season.

Well... it looks like the 8 is an S that has undergone a major lifestyle change...

Jemma will be the one he kills off after two years; the nerd girl everyone loves.

Yeah, I know, but... I thought that was the whole reason for that *other* scene...

So this was a decent movie, yeah, but...

Even excluding GvE, your references are switched. Atheists tend to lean more towards the scientific method - a true set of fairly rigid laws if ever there were any. They don't belive that the whims of the FSM (or whatever one believe in) has anything to do with anything; this is a nearly perfect example of the D&D

My 9 y/o kid is going to be over the moon about this.

Step 1) Move to Seattle...

Definition of the alignment per your provided link: