

Annnnd... Frank Miller's stance on Freedom of Speech 2 years ago: [] This is so mind-bogglingly ill informed I've no idea where to start. I'm glad you don't like his racist/religonist Islamicist (though really, an Islamicist is one who studies Islam & should be, as noted elsewhere, "Islamist"); but the rest?

Damn you. I was at work & couldn't reply... I was goin in the same direction.

I just want to know when Littlefoot & Cera will make their cameos.

MICRONAUTS! Raddest frakking toys I ever had... and I still miss them, especially my green space glider. I'm 41. I loved Star Wars 7 the toys.... but I loved my micronaut action figures. Hell, i was just telling my 8 year old son about them 3 days ago.

Why is there a red penguin on this cover? What? No a penguin? Oh Leifeld, you joker!

So... the ad directly under the video? "Play... The BACONING! Playstation_Network"

Agreed, but it's not called the Wrestling Channel.

I've been waiting for the second one myself...

Yes. This.

Why is the loss of Eureka on the FRONT PAGE YET? I know y'all don't sleep, but still...

Now I know who I can blame that murder on... I mean, um, I have an alibi!

Now I know who I can blame that murder on... I mean, um, I have an alibi!

Now I know who I can blame that murder on... I mean, um, I have an alibi!

Now I know who I can blame that murder on... I mean, um, I have an alibi!

Now I know who I can blame that murder on... I mean, um, I have an alibi!

Now I know who I can blame that murder on... I mean, um, I have an alibi!