It’s great fun if you destroy all but one head, and let a few skeletons run around trying to be the first to get to the one head.
It’s great fun if you destroy all but one head, and let a few skeletons run around trying to be the first to get to the one head.
Seven months later, it is clear those results were an eerie foreshadowing of how Liverpool’s season would play out.
Surprised he didn’t just say that they were icicles.
Plinking Link sounds like a whole ‘nother game.....
To be fair, the Nazis were fasionable as heck.
Suikoden IV.... on the PS3.... the same week as the Switch....
Freedom, and a lack of handholding.
NFL Punt is a must, especially with steel toe cap boots.
It’s not bad, but Johnny Cash’s cover is something special.
To be fair, President Shinra wasn’t a complete fuckwit.
Amazing amount of work to not look the slightest bit like Archer.
The real surprise here is them not thinking the game was over at 0-2 in the 87th minute.
That Cyborg Dragon Ball, Cancer.
He is the GOAT, a Fancy Dog, and probably the GOAT of Fancy Dogs. Fuckin’ unparalleled.
Turns out it was more of a preview of the Falcons 2nd half....
I do hate the lack of control you have over the car, so that’ll be nice.
He was banned from playing for 8 months, but became a hero forever.
I think the most impressive part is how instantly recognizable the characters are in this state, even for someone who’s never played the game. A sign of incredible, iconic designwork.
Well, yes, I didn’t mean directly brining forward the broken code, more as you say in your second paragraph.
It’s a shame they didn’t chuck a massive swerve and boom, “Missingno is now an actual Pokemon, enjoy!” when you try to transfer it.