
He’s about 50, so, yeah....

I’d love to get one just to block random hallways and paths.

Giver her a tug!

Are you sure this isn’t just preparing for the watersports at Rio next month?

Man, when I was a kid one of the most important rituals of gaming was reading the manual from cover to cover on the way home from the shops. It’s something that I quite miss from modern gaming.

Spearbro getting sick gains.

This post need all the stars.

Looks like it’d be great if it were a €2.50-5.00 effort for Android & iOS.

Seems pretty easy to deal with. Dragon Quest out and about, Dragon Quest at home(barring any crazy Steam sale buys). FFXV to be honest doesn’t look all that great, continuing the recent trend of Final Fantasies not being what they once were.

He probably has some arcane potion for that.

If she isn’t he’s doing it wrong.

Being the Witcher, I’m surprised they didn’t just patch on an option to shag her.

I wa shoping it’d be turn based, but it looks fantastic, and the action battles in this case do look a treat.

It’d be funnier if Konami gave any kind of fuck, which they very likely don’t.

It’s usually a few days before the tournament, so what some of the ultras do is to book a few weeks away, starting a week or so before the tournament, conveniently in a country/area where they can get to the games, or more importantly fights.

They were probably waiting for it, to be honest.

Now playing

Ireland’s Call, for their rugby team is magnificent.

Never played Saints Row, but this looks like a lot of fun.

It’s a shame really, that absolutely broken progression system ruined it.

It’s a majestic game, combat is a tad wonky though, lumping the team into 3 pairs.