I love this guy!
I love this guy!
Don’t lie, you and your lies.
I got it in a Steam sale, pretty much the same boat as you, unsure, played a very short bit though and it does look good.
That is absolutely excellent.
I wouldn’t worry too much about that second stadium’s mockups, it’s still covered in bubble wrap.
Had they a proper bloke doctor last two seasons, they’d have won the CL, and probably the World Cup.
This looks infinite times better than the actual GTA5 game, and that’s great.
Give it more buttons, and I would buy the crap out of that Curved/Labs one.
I got 7 games, for killing Roger Goodell, I think it’s a price worth paying.
Yes, this is now on PSN and available for Vita.
I never bothered finishing Clive’s story(just collect him), I’m not sure it has any effect on the end. Certain I’ve gotten the good ending before.
I hate that the Clive stuff has a time requirement. No rpg should put stuff on a limit like that(Steiner’s weapon in FFIX too, asses), rpgs should take time for you to enjoy and explore the word.
Damn, they were such good games. Vandal Hearts + Vita would be a dream.
I’d love both, I’d have preferred them on my PS4, so I could play them through my Vita, but hell, I finally got to play 3 in Europe, you’ll never have seen a PS4 unplugged so fast....
Is he the actor that most looks like a dog whilst coincidentally looking exactly unlike a dog in almost every way? I would suggest this twitter user either needs glasses, or needs their glasses replaced if they already have some.
Yup, I can understand the Shenmue guys going for this despite being a non-Kickstarter kinda guy, as if one for Suikoden VI was announced, I would probably break my screen trying to wedge my wallet directly into it....
I would go to their gig, show, event, whatever the fuck hip hop groups do.
Moment I heard about this, my unused with over 2 years PS3 was dug out of storage, when I couldn’t find it’s power cable, my PS4 was decomissioned for the foreseeable future. For the greater good.
It’s a fine game, just not on Suikoden’s level.