Earl Snake Hips Tucker

Here you go Raph, Twin Turbo 01 Cobra

Something is familiar about that dash….hmmm

You'll all just have to forgive me for not believing anyone about the weight of the Mustang until Ford releases the official specs.

Jeep people, they're always waving at each other.

The Ford Mustang for sure goes here. Especially my favorite generation SN-95:

87 to 93 Mustang LX 5.0. Its a pony car that doesn't rely on retro, high tech or creature comforts. If you want a cheap, loud, light fun car with plenty of power here you go. The fact you could get one bare bones with no options for the same money as a same year Escort is just awesome.

Look at the toe-out on that left eye. Just a hint of the cray inside...

It's okay, it only plays songs you've never heard of anyway.

My last pay check was $9500 working 12 hours a week online. My sisters friend has been averaging 15k for months now and she works about 20 hours a week. I can't believe how easy it was once I tried it out. This is what I do... www.Fund25.com

Tempo! Tempo! Tempo!

jeep was first 1941. the end.

Binders full of Jeeps

Just take your Brush Tool (B), throw #000000 in your color picker, and black those fuckers out. Then you're half-way to that murdered-out look, which is 1000x better than that slammed chrome aftermarket bullshit you see on every other 300 from coast to coast.

Suicide doors are the most awesome feature you could have in a car.

Holy. Shit.

Like this?

This one's been lost in the fog of history. Emissions regulations kicked in hard in 1971, fast cars owners were getting killed by soaring insurance premiums, and performance was dying.

Totally under-appreciated and a solid performer.

Cobra R was pretty awesome...