Earl Snake Hips Tucker

I love this slider shit!

Reminds me a little bit of this,

Looks better with two less doors.

I love the boxiness of all the headlights!

I'm just gonna keep using this.

Yeah, professional designer trying to knock out a quick Celica limo in the office before I get back to work.

Probably the Celica limo.

Seems legit. I wouldn't have thought this was Photoshopped.

There's this one. Photoshop credit Earl Snake Hips Tucker.

That's cool you like 90s Camrys.

Camrys of the 90s.

Everything looked like this in the 50s. Cars, wagons and pickups

Someone at KIA thought it'd be a good idea to put the face of a Camry on the ass of a Mazda 6 wagon.

Everything about this car is from the future, except the steering wheel. I'm pretty sure this came off an arcade game I played when I was a kid.

Boxed in by the cops, deal with it.

I gotz Photoshop skilz

Looks a little fucked up back here guys.