
Will they also livestream some dude cutting through it with a $100 Sawzall?

If only the soviets had web cams when they divided Germany, we’d still have a wall today because the public would have supported it

I’m sure the workers would love to have a camera on them while they work, who doesn’t love being broadcast while working?

Good, these idiots can watch the paint dry too.

Will there be premium, per-minute private rooms where racist xenophobes can make racist, xenophobic requests?

This is definitely the kind of thing you’d expect from the calibre of thinker that Jared represents.

It absolutely astounds me that Donald Trump’s idea of the ‘best people’ includes a collections of the stupidest, corrupt, most venal individuals ever put on this earth...including Jared Kushner. The Trump administration is nothing but a total clusterfuck!

So, give people who want to dismantle the wall exact insight on how it’s built.

The idea of Trump taking those Jared jewelry commercials literally when it comes to implementing terrible ideas makes me chuckle. “It can only be Jared!!!!” 

I already assumed Trump supporters were at home staring at the wall , now they can do it in URL.

Worried about violating Mexican sovereignty?

Staring at a wall is Jared’s favorite hobby, so this makes perfect sense. 

Because, what? Unpack the thought. What happened in 2016 did not happen because moderates chose. It happened because the strongest Democratic candidate was a flawed candidate with a lot of baggage whom people on the right despised for being who she was and a certain share of people on the left resented largely because

Apparently the Roger Stone trial is going great, his team played a tape of his testimony to Congress and then rested their case without calling any witnesses.

...when all you have to do is read..”

I guess I’d counter with “there’s too much at stake to take a losing position.” As I said, I don’t think he’s going to be a strong enough candidate in the end to really catch fire, but the reality has always been that Warren and Sanders are basically competing over a minority of the Democratic electorate. Biden and

Do we think they will vote for a woman for president?

Does Trump not know how being on a board works? Talent is rarely a prerequisite, and high salaries for not actually contributing are par for the course. 

There was always going to be a young moderate that emerged to steal Biden’s (and Warren’s) thunder as we got close to the actual voting. I expected it to be Harris, but she really wasted the summer. Buttigieg is what’s going to have to do in a pinch, but as smooth as he is in a lot of ways, he’s still not going to be