
It is clear he also inherited his Father’s gift for projection.

I maintain that Trump’s pre-2016 Twitter Feed is really Future Trump’s consciousness, time traveled back to his own body, but the only way he can warn people is by tweeting out exactly what he’s going to do later. The kicker is that because Trump is such an egomaniac, he can only project what he’s going to do onto

and now the G-7 will be at his gross resort in Doral next summer...WHERE THE FUCK IS THE GOP?! He personally OWNS IT!!!!

While I want to see him honored, I’m not as confident in troll patrol here as I am in The Root. I took a peek at the greys on their post, and they’re dismiss fingers are burning today. It’s pretty damned vitriolic.

Heh, I knew it. Sondland is exactly the type of suck ass to power players than ditch before the handcuffs come out that Dump is. This is what being you is like, Donnie!

OT but Sondland is fucking torpedoing Trump with his testimony. 

It wasn’t even leaked. He handed out copies to the people in that meeting, and disclosed it to the public because he thought it would make him look tough, instead of like an idiot.

The fact that it’s all quiet on the twit front makes me suspect that someone has literally just stolen his phone in desperatio today.

I was with you until the end.

I have been cringingly awaiting the responses to his passing from Trump’s America, which are bound to be utterly classless, insulting and offensive to the human spirit. *sigh*

Every day the entire Trump clan does or says something that displays a truly staggering lack of self awareness. It’s mind blowing really, and they keep one upping themselves. Like it’s some kind of whack ass contest. Is this a contest?

Never. Their father is a maelstrom of negative-charisma. They fake it. But they’ll never achieve what he has. They’re all third-rate, and they know it. Sometimes you can catch their eyes saying, “oh god, am I a piece of shit?”, and that’s because he’s cut them down for decades. Once he’s gone they’ll fall apart and be

Look closely at that picture. Tumps love letter wasn’t leaked, he proudly gave it out to everyone present.

I hadn’t seen a posting regarding the passing of Rep. Elijah Cummings. It’s a sad loss for Congress and I hope, wholeheartedly and unabashedly, that Rep. Cummings will haunt Trump for the rest of 45's wretched existence. And to connect it to the actual story I’m commenting on: he can also haunt Donj & Van-Van and Eric

This from the same guy who got his grade school crush letter to Erdogan leaked, so no. We’d have a better chance imparting algebra to my Goldie than imparting any new wisdom to Donnie.

“Of course they are!” Trump agreed. “When they’re the father and your son’s entire career is dependent on that, they own you. Sean, that’s what it is.”

I was going to say I hope he is the Trump kid who gets taken down, but let’s be honest, I want the entire unholy triumvirate of Jr, Eric and Ivanka to go down. With Jared as icing on the evil cake. 

When you're that lacking in self-awareness, how do you keep from constantly bumping into things?

Maybe he can pass on some of his newly acquired wisdom to his dad.

If more people recognized their words and judgements of others as mirrors this world would be a much healthier place. Do you think it even occurred to him??