
I feel like Comey expected Clinton to win, and he didn’t want a cloud over her administration of “what if the FBI had addressed her emails?” 

I'm choosing to accept it's a prostetic. Mostly because my ego couldn't handle if it isn't. 

As opposed to doing nothing and giving it silent approval?

Someone made the analogy its like offering to resolve a dispute by playing Monopoly, when you’re accused of cheating at monopoly.

They have to impeach him. While they may not get him removed, doing nothing is worse. This is the only play for them, even though it’s probably a losing hand. Doing nothing makes them complicit. 

She looks lifeless 

I should have said the moderate Dems not the right. But, she moved towards M4all and some other progressive issues (and then flip flopped on some). Which I still think left her in this spot where no one liked her. Which, as you said, a coherent campaign would have dealt with and possibly kept her more in the middle

The way his old man flip flops, he would be the bestest burger flipper they even had!

Maya is a treasure. 

I've made this comment before. Her record as a prosecutor meant progressives wouldn't support her. Her policy on everything else, which she tried to shape to attract progressives, meant the moderates wouldn't support her either. 

Sanders is like an NFL team. His hardcore fans are the worst part of him. 

I think her record as a prosecutor made her unappealing to the progressives. And by trying to be progressive in every other issue, it made her unappealing to the moderates. As a result, she was unappealing to everyone. 

I’ll vote for whoever the Dems nominate. I think she has some issues, but I’d be happy for Warren to get the nomination. I think Castro is excellent, and would happily vote for him. But Warren-Castro would be a great ticket.

I've said for months, she didn't have a shot. Her record as a prosecutor meant the left won't vote for her, and her record on everything else means the right wouldn't either. I think she's more than qualified, and is more qualified than some still in the race. But, I don't think she had she a chance either. 

I’m guessing the chandelier was picked by the Pence’s.

Why can't it be both?

Paraphrasing what Trump refers to as a transcript", despite saying on page 1, "this is not a verbatim transcript"! Yet people believe it because a guy who lies about everything said it. 

Newt Gingrich acting like a moral authority, and being supported for it, is the peak of hypocrisy.

I don’t think they’re Manhattan clones. Judd tells Angela that Topher got his sisters and hid in the closet. I don't think Angela and Cal having kids was planned. 

Maybe he's just going to run for the Republican nomination in 2024!