Petey is maybe the more likely, but I think it's possibly Tom Mison. I am assuming Veidt's parts are in the past, and that he escapes with the ability to make more clones.
Petey is maybe the more likely, but I think it's possibly Tom Mison. I am assuming Veidt's parts are in the past, and that he escapes with the ability to make more clones.
Of course now he claims, he never said it would be impenetrable.
That would be like winning every sports title in a whole year.
Trump would totally miss the meaning and think “fat fuck” is a compliment. “she calls me that cause my dick is so fat!”
And it’s the same people who thought Obama tried to hog the valor of our brave service members who killed bin Laden, but line up behind a draft dodger who used “we” in every statement yesterday. “We killed him..” “we found him...” Etc.
As a Breaking Bad viewer, I know they need a polyethylene tote and not a bathtub.
Then there is Mike Mularkey, who was a mediocre OC and somehow landed HC jobs (3! I can’t believe he fleeced three teams!) where he has been awful.
I thought it was a Cival War. Funny how the guys that demand Trump, the military, and cops be respected properly, are usually the same guys who insist on having guns to protect themselves against in case the President threatens to skip due process and directs the military and cops to take everyone’s guns. Which only…
Exactly. The same guys complaining about incivility, insults, etc towards Trump were the same guys making then to Obama. I hate hypocrites.
He’ll say it’s treason to disrespect the President. At which point, someone needs to pull out all his tweets about Obama and lock him up!
Alot of people with physical jobs do have their boss recommending a doctor. My company has a contract with one of these “call a nurse” groups (Careworks? Workcare? Something like that). They make it clear you absolutely have the ability to go see your own doctor. But, most of the advice consists of "take Ibuprofen and…
The "do no harm" is generally taken to be "don't make it worse". In theory, the conflict is only if the team exerts pressure to clear a guy against medical advice. In theory. It's hard not to have that pressure though, since if the doctor insists on holding guys out, the next doctor gets the message.
How was that not a George Costanza plan?
Or did he screw up Todd McShay?
And after Haskins gets injured and their medical staff misdiagnoses it, and doesn't treatnit correct after they get the correct diagnosis.
Or "I'm just here so I don't get fined."
Lamar Jackson is proving why Bill Polian had one championship with, well, every team.
They might look 31 out of 32, but the Redskins will always find a way to be the worst.
That would require thinking. He's a manly man, got no time to be a nerd and think. He's too busy paying someone to lead him to shoot big animals or lying about his athletic achievements.
I love the stories that Don Jr and Ivanka release dirt on each other because they are fighting to be Daddy’s successor.