People sometimes don't appreciate the attitude "we're civilized white folks and know what's best for you, whether you like it or not."
People sometimes don't appreciate the attitude "we're civilized white folks and know what's best for you, whether you like it or not."
Not even the GOP. More like all of Europe was in on this.
I'm confused. Some of the same people who have no issue asking China to investigate an American politician have an issue with the NBA choosing to do business with China.
Pence has all the charisma of spoiled mayonnaise. But I agree. They like Trump because he says the quiet part out loud.
I suspect Trump is going to throw him under the bus, and then refuse to appoint a new VP. Knowing the Senate is then less likely to impeach because they don’t want President Pelosi.
Oh, he may know. I mean, he seems to like Nazis just fine.
Hey, we should just be happy they didn't help Germany, who had the good sense to deport his grandfather for draft dodging. And I'm not making that up.
It's not like the Kurds were the only group the west lied to. And, yet, we fail to understand the constant lies, and drawing boundaries while ignoring their wishes may have contributed to some of the current problems there.
The "he won't know you're gone" is creepy af.
You've really blessed them, as I'm sure they've learned to pull themselves up by their bootstraps!
What I don't understand is. You could impeach Trump and install Pence. And have the same policies. And Pence is his own type of awful, but he's not as disgusting as Trump. I think.
I've wondered if it's prescription drugs hes abused. "They're legal, so that makes it ok."
You're optimistic than me. I can hear the evangelical defenses now "she was a teenager. Probably wore too much makr up and looked at least 18. Its her fault for being attractive."
I think it's a hole, not sure it's a fox one.
“She didn't tell me I couldn't grab her pussy, so I went ahead and grabbed her by the pussy. I don't understand why she's complaining now, its her fault for not telling me before."
Have we considered the possibility that Trump thinks crazy and frightening is perfect?
Didn't some of the same turds throw Susan McDougal in jail for refusing to cooperate on Whitewater?
“unpaid” nudge wink. I'm sure there’s some $100 handshakes. Not that it comes close to making it equitable.
I will still listen to her sometimes!
Alabama. First in football, last in everything else!