The best part is both of them have done a good job of naming additional witnesses. "You should look at what Mike Pence says!" Gee, thanks, I wasn't before but will now....
The best part is both of them have done a good job of naming additional witnesses. "You should look at what Mike Pence says!" Gee, thanks, I wasn't before but will now....
Thats how nearly every world leader looks with him, exceptions being Putin and Kim because they own his pussy bitch ass.
I think you have it all wrong. They don’t only overpay for one or two years of above average performance. They dramatically overpay if you've had multiple pro bowls and are at least 3 years past your prime.
If he had a non fatal stroke, would we notice?
Let's call it Traitor Orange!
Will there at least be a most filled with vicious alligators?
You'd have to be a moron to believe Trump or vote for him. So, yeah, we're fucked because his minions now think Antifa is going to March on Washington.
Oh, I think Trump’s victory is proof the average voter is a moron. I’m not sure the Republican party will die, I just hope it does.
I have voted for more Republicans than Democrats, but the party is corrupt now. McConnell blocking a vote on Garland, the gerrymanders, all of it. They won’t compete on policy or ideas, just want power.
Maybe? I’m neither an accountant nor a lawyer. There were some suggestions, and I’m not saying they’d work, during the last recession to eliminate corporate taxes, raise the upper marginal rates, and tax dividends as income. The argument for capital gains being lower is the business has already paid taxes before those…
I have low expectations that people are held accountable for their crimes. I'd settle for them all out of our lives.
The Republican party's only goal is to hold onto power. They have no ideas, no policy (other than, don't do what Democrats want), and no soul. I really hope Trump is the death of it. A conservative party would develop and replace them (although, I'd prefer it split to evangelicals and libertarian groups, but that's…
I wouldn't object to that either. But, the reason Warren Buffet pays such a low percent in taxes is because 95% of his income is cap gains. Just pushing that into the current income tax bracket would mean he's paying 2-2.5x as much as he currently does. And that's probably an easier policy to push, partially because…
And it’s a gold plated shovel, and I think those things look so stupid.
I've thought the easier way, which is also probably an easier sell, is to just make everything income. Cap gains, inheritance, etc. Then push a high upper marginal rate. Which either is never collected, because it worked. Or it's collected and helps everyone.
It's treason to identify treason!
Faux News lied? No! I don't believe it. Next, you'll tell me they are neither fair nor balanced. Or that they don't have a diverse group of talking heads, when Pirro is clearly a brunette.
Fox News spent 8 years saying Obama could do whatever he wanted and no one could stop him. Big Donny Two Scoops wants his turn.
Funny how a draft dodger always likes the idea of someone else shooting people he doesn't like. I'm shocked he didn't suggest dipping the bullets in pigs blood, because I'm sure he still believes that conspiracy theory.