
And Trump has said to only believe him. 

I'm sure the private prison industry will line up to hire him. 

Their self awareness is amazing. Admittedly, at a quick glance, the VP’s son taking a high paying board position with a questionable company in a country with corruption is questionable. Meanwhile, the President’s children continue to make bank bank from their corrupt company, and the right thinks that's totally fine!

He definitely changed the system. You said the quiet parts out loud and he's turned the graft and corruption to new levels!

Now that fox has turned in him, I feel like Impeachment is a real possibility. 

Clearly you underestimated the value of bigotry and connections. You also left out "eat any shit he is shoveled" as a qualification. 

My wife was a few years behind Troy in school and was friends with his brother Tommy, who is now in trouble with the Ohio AG. She said all the shady business that Tommy did, he learned from their father and Troy.

As an Ohioian who is an independent, could it be "Buy Gym Jordan a straight jacket?"

I feel like CNN is desperately trying to provide equal coverage. Which is noble, but these guys lie about the weather for practice. 

Troy Balderson will get to the bottom of this conspiracy! As soon as he gets his brother out of trouble, and makes sure he doesn’t falsely accuse Troy of being behind it all.

“5-D? I’d give her a 1.” - Trump

It’s cause his soul is a raging fire of love for America and hatred of lying Democrats, so they make him too hot. And I’m not joking.

Hillary's emails, the new Benghazi!

Maybe? I think you’re assuming there is some strategery here. I think it’s more likely they’re hitting the notes that the morons who still support them like to hear

Don’t blame me, I voted for Bill and Opus!

I don't think another fifth would help

Except I'm sure Belichick believes the old Nascar theory, "if ya ain't cheatin', ya ain't tryin'!" 

Then he'd adopt a young woman, pay for plastic surgery and call her Ivanka II. 

Schrodinger’s Cat? Guiliani’s Hack!