
The 80s was his personal Vietnam. Avoiding STDs. His view on crime seems to fit 80s NYC. Watch some early seasons of Law & Order, it fits right in. 

I'd imagine something like, "USA? Who wants to be a part of that shithole county. They don't even have health coverage!"

And the other 15% are Russians trying to smuggle money out the country and avoid the Magnitsky act. 

Does he realize that there's a big ocean, and lots of water, and it's hard to bring more than a few rolls of paper towels? 

I thought it was too soon to politicize a shooting. 

His world view is shaped by 80s New York City, and has never changed. 

I’m old enough, that in high school we had to go to a library for research (as opposed to pulling up info on a phone that has more computing power than my PC did in 1990). Been to that library. It’s a nice library, and the museum is excellent as well. And my father graduated from Carnegie Tech (which became CMU a few

Sorry the sarcasm wasn't clear enough. Israel routinely violates human rights and isn't held accountable for it. And that's not the same as saying they shouldn't defend themselves. 

That’s cause they think all groups (blacks, gays, Muslims, etc) know each other, but not all white people know each other.

There is also a difference between accidents and deliberate acts. I mean, Dick Cheney “accidentally” shot a guy in the face, if it was deliberate, he would have gone to jail. Right? It's like how if you deliberately drive into protestors and kill someone, you go to jail. 

Art? I think it's just some poor comrade doing what Uncle Vlad asks. 

There are a lot of Arabs who would love to see Israel pushed into the sea. Which then Israel uses as an excuse to commit human rights violations on anyone they don’t like, and to defend themselves against any criticism. “If we can’t machine gun protestors throwing rocks, they'll kill us!"

They hate Muslims more. 

He definitely would if someone who criticizes him was elected president.

I’ve wondered if it’s better to have no corporate tax, or a small one, and tax all dividends as income vs capital gains. There’s a theory that encourages the rich to not want huge dividends, so companies invest in capital or labor, instead of pushing it out for the government to tax. 

I've thought the same. He's definitely the type to bail out right before the crash, taking the only parachute and not telling anyone else. He's George Costanza pushing kids out of the way when the fire alarm goes off 

To quote my favorite movie:

Don't pee on my back and tell me it’s raining.

My view on high tax rates at the top, it’s not so the government gets the revenue, it’s so people aren’t paid that much. If you look back post WW2, where the upper rate was up to 90%, very little tax was collected on that. Theres a theory that since more businesses where directly owned (vs LLC, Inc, etc), the owners