
"I was so moved how Apple treats its customers," said YouTube user AppTaylor.

Seriously? I am really, really worried about how Apple has become a way of life for so many people. Letting those people into their shop to not get washed away by a typhoon is pretty much basic human solidarity. Those people are waiting

Being someone who recently switched from iPhone and iOS to a Nexus 4 with stock Android, it just seems most of the major features in iOS 7 are take straight from Android.

It's a shame Apple have now taken t he same approach they have with desktops and applied it to their phones. They did quite a bit of unheard of stuff

Why can't they just implement this second screen gameplay into the single player? It would be way more awesome and relevant. Why should I have to look at my phone in the game to shut down streetlights, it would be so much more immersive if I had to do it on my actual phone.

Dark Horse make Comics....

But admit it...you thought about buying it :)

Good luck with that mouse, it'll die in a few months. Razer products are just horrible when it comes to quality and long-term use.

Yes! Thank you for noticing :D

It and Sleeping Dogs deserved more initial sales.

"and the Kinect that is always on because the NSA wants to spy on you"

My fiance hasn't finished the current season of 'Game of Thrones' and she's done a good job of avoiding any spoilers regarding "the Red Wedding". As I'm writing this, we are on that very episode and I've set up a camera to film her reaction to it.

Mainly because excessive use of them makes one inarticulate.

Ugh I'm so sick of people acting like MS KILLED a lovedone. Newsflash people, Sony coerced ms into there DRM strategy. They were going to do it themselves, along with including the camera. Everything Sony is doing is just as bad. They don't give a shit more about you then Microsoft, sorry Sony defence squad.

So this is the guy that killed family sharing and the ability to trade/sell digital media. Set us back 10 years IMO. Digital, always online, and some sort of DRM is inevitable. Revolution my @rse, more like knee jerk reaction to change.

Normally I would scoff at this notion, but it seems so appropriate.

Kotaku after E3: "MS got owned! Sony rulez!!! Screw MS and their stripping of all mah rights!! How dare they! Here's a jpg of a burning Xbox!!!!"

I am among those futurists. I was really looking forward to seeing what the Xbox One could do. I feel like a lot of features, such as cloud computing, will be put to the way side because now players can play Xbox One games without a stable internet connection. I mean, it's great for people that don't have internet or

That would actually be a great motivator to get people to buy digital instead of physical. I guess we'll see! That'd be a pretty interesting incentive.

The only difference that matters:

The Xbox One has a strong focus on all media, and is a well-rounded box. The Sony device seems to be identical in media features to the PS3. It's not as if the Xbox is prioritizing video OVER games.

Right on the money.
My biggest complaint with the ps4's features were that they seem like a half step up from the ps3 and were nothing really exciting. (games aside of course) Now the same can be said for the Xbox One.