
The linked article actually says a bit less than 4000, not 40,000.

The linked article actually says a bit less than 4000, not 40,000.

The linked article actually says a bit less than 4000, not 40,000.

The linked article actually says a bit less than 4000, not 40,000.

The linked article actually says a bit less than 4000, not 40,000.

The linked article actually says a bit less than 4000, not 40,000.

"Women get massively reduced (minimum 50%, average ~80%) sentences for the exact same crimes as their male counterparts."

thank you for the info. I'm also looking for the standouts who contributed to each field - the artists, mathematicians, environmentalists, inventors... but since it requires specialized knowledge of different disciplines I generally have to wait until someone else brings it to light...thanks again

There's a metric ton of white feminists who are raging racists

Santa isn't an american invention, he is a european/western phenomenon of european origins and is not the intellectual property of a 13% black america. You are being fucking ridiculous. What else do you want brown washed? Every white fairytale? Every white myth? What was wrong with kwanzaa again? Too black for the

Best of luck, hope you find something that works. I've felt the same desperation about the female state - I was a kid when I saw Thelma and Louise, and it opened the can of worms about women, violence, and the inadequacy of the law.I thought it was progress. Now I'm an adult and it's steubenville, vanderbilt, retaeh

It's kind of primitive and vain to me. It's not exactly original.Lets hope you do get married because god knows, trusting a guy with intimate photos never burned anyone before.......

There was a study done in hawaii on the cusp of the eighties when porn was banned, and rape rates dropped significantly. It's a good counterpoint to all the misinformation spread by the porn industry about sexual repression causing rape and female consumption of porn being posited as much higher than it is when it's

"Even psycho/sociopaths have self-preservation instinct"