
Care to elaborate before posting bs statements like that on the web? Thx.

It's very amusing to see statements like "you might actually come back!" Wtf? What is wrong with iTunes? It is the best manger for your media. Let me guess, people here use windows media player or some other low end alternative and claim it's better?

Works fine...

Oh okay. So what you are saying is. New maps service versus a service with a 7 year head start. That sir, isn't logical for comparison.

Uh no? That is by far the dumbest thing I have read. If you made a product, and it had a competitor's app on it, will you try to make people use YOUR app, or your competitors? Fuck logic right? And as many have mentioned, Google maps can be accessed via web.

This is not accurate at all. My friend who has some rough usage WITHOUT a case, his iPhone 5 looks absolutely brand new. He tosses it in the car to play music, always shuffling it around elsewhere without a care in the world. I will be seeing him tomorrow, and I will take a pic. Anyone can take a pic of any phone, do

Can some one please recommend some very nice headphones, which can be used out in public without huge cords and sounds leaks? I am also looking for something with great bass. Any ideas? I currently own the bose AE2's, skullcandy skullcrushers, bose MIE2i, skullcandy hesh's. I know these headphones aren't the "best"

Because every hardcore android fanatic is always screaming "FREE APPS ON ANDROID, AWWW YEEEEE. IOS SUX etc."

Anyone else think it is ironic that the Android platform has literally no deals right now, while pretty much every other platform does?

Oh okay, so let me just ignore the fact that these people will be harder to see while driving in a car or truck. Woops, forgot that little detail?

Decent idea, but no one will use it. Not to mention how unsafe this is as well.

Two things.

Maybe if you read the article, you would realize that only 4G is affected. Not 2G or 3G.


I'm not saying it's aliens but it was aliens.

Pretty funny. Also cannot believe she is actually 41 years old. Looks around 25-30 at most in that video.

Doubt it.

Darn, paying over $650-800 for full blown win8 on a tablet. Darn.

Time will tell exactly how popular win8 will become. No point arguing about it. Let's see.