
I agreeā€”but I'm thinking a small part of it was Microsoft's aversion to any sort of cross-platform gaming on X1 with PS4. It's a buncha bullshit. >:(

I hear Hola's a good fix for that problem.

Seriously, at first glance, this popped into my mind.

I agree that it's a good dream car. Heck, I've wanted a Viper since I was a kid, but you're probably right there. Wouldn't be cost-efficient to own as a daily, let alone period. :/ Not with the income I'm making, anyways.

Also, searching Google images for "Cloud Troll face," the results are, uh, photoshopped clouds.

You cheddar be kidding me.


I keep hearing this when I see that.

For the record, this entry was drawn lol.

Damn, I was really hoping to get a pass for using a different Owen sleeping bag pic. Guess I was just beating a dead horse, lol. Congrats to all of the winners!

While doing a simultaneous review of the latest wearable sleeping bag and Assassin's Creed Rogue, Owen couldn't help but feel that someone nearby was watching him...

Not certain if you've found out by now, but it's Mozart.

Halo: Master Chief Collection.

Is it wrong that I read that in Tom Hardy's voice?

Yesterday, I was the clown prince of... ...stocking and checking? Lol, I couldn't trick or treat yesterday, but we were allowed to dress up at work.

Took my entry into Sketchbook Express, added something.

Because legality.

Haha, I loved that episode.