
Yes. I was referring to the status quo before Comcast realized they can use throttling to extort companies and squeeze more money out of them, adding even more to their ever-increasing oligopolistic bottom lines. http://www.cmcsa.com/financials.cfm

I think I agree with you across the board, which kind of frightens me. I especially agree with the "of the time" exception because there is no way this is wrong.

Problem is Miami is not a place where a large number of people conceal carry, in fact they're one of the few counties that have enacted their own gun regulations above and beyond what the state requires. Here's three articles for you from three states that have stand your ground and high levels of concealed carry.

Shit like this does not happen in states with stand your ground laws where concealed carry is common... Just sayin

Top Gear Ethiopia - unwatchable. A solid hour of driving around looking for food. No substantive car reviews at all.