I mean, shouldn’t it be MODOFK? Yes, “for” is a little word, but so is “only”. Maybe throw in “Unlawful” in there to stress that he’s a villain -- MODOFUK.
I mean, shouldn’t it be MODOFK? Yes, “for” is a little word, but so is “only”. Maybe throw in “Unlawful” in there to stress that he’s a villain -- MODOFUK.
It’s not just that. I wrote it in the comments for the previous episode. Internet overanalyzes everything about the MCU in *our* reality, where it’s fictional. Imagine if it were real, and everyone’s life depended on those people and events. There’d be thematic channels recreating and analyzing everything in…
The film was directed by Peter Weir, right after he and Ford made magic together with Witness. It doesn’t seem to have had the same impact (probably because a lot of people weren’t prepared to see Han Solo as such a jerk at the time) but it’s well worth checking out.
My favorite bit from this film is the running gag Jackson lifts from “Man Bites Dog” where Denham keeps losing members of his film crew and vows to keep on going to honor their memory.
More 90s, comics-wise at least. Though he could use some pouches.
When Darkseid gets bored, he throws Steppenwolf at the wall to see if he sticks.
You might be more annoyed that they use those cutaways to edit the interview itself, so you don’t see jump cuts when they cut the part of the sentence where they just trail off or ramble. Any time you see a broadcaster nodding or listening thoughtfully, something got cut from the interview. (Truthfully, though, you…
I really like this film. Weirdly my big take away from it was learning about the two camera thing for interviews, with the reaction shots of Tom fake crying.
The Stark Toaster is the FIRST thing that shows color, the warning light is red.
Why would you buy a Stark Toaster?
First they came for the violent agitators but I said nothing because I was not a violent agitator.
Surprised that you didn’t mention the Yankee Stadium guy. For some reason, whenever I talk to someone about this book, we always end up talking about the Yankee Stadium guy. There’s just something evocative about it that hints at a whole world of weird shit that people are doing because nobody is around to stop them…
As far as Harold not being fat goes, in a practical sense I guess it means Owen Teague didn’t have to quickly gain weight then quickly lose it and I’m always happy when actors don’t have to do stuff to their bodies like that.
I’m glad to hear Lauder’s a significant focus of the mini-series. I’ve always found him to be an utterly fascinating character, one of King’s best villains (to the extent he even qualifies as a “villain”). The review calls him a proto-incel, and that’s right on, and it really speaks well of King that he was able to…
My favorite CYA explanation is that it’s Star Wars Captcha, and it’s literally just making sure you’re not a robot.
Also seems weird to call it an homage to Sorcerer instead of Wages of Fear.
My favorite CYA explanation is that it’s Star Wars Captcha, and it’s literally just making sure you’re not a robot.
There’s one aspect of The Kid that I think is genuinely interesting, enough to justify the character’s existence for me: he’s the only character being beckoned by Flagg who isn’t impressed or intimidated by Flagg whatsoever. Every other character’s relationship with Flagg consists of admiration, terror, morbid…
Yeah, hopefully this was the lone “let’s blow out our one Tatooine episode for the season in grand style and while we’re at it give the coming Dune franchise a haughty sniff as if to say ‘Don’t get too big for your stillsuits there bubs, we may have been ripping you off for the last 40 years, but obviously we don’t…