
That’s scary: My mom actually said much the same stuff. Even in that same order! She told me she’s heard of Vietnamese doing this, and then made her own joke about how there were so many different Filipinos around, each with their own different way of making stuff.

Hehe.. she would’ve just blown by it. Me ranting about useless stuff is something she doesn’t even pay attention to anymore. :D

Actually, a fair number of Filipino recipes for Lumpai Shanghai include shrimp with the pork. For the longest time, I thought excluding it put me in the minority of lumpia cookers.

“Alternatively, you could use a rasp to grate the ginger, using a scant teaspoon so the ginger flavor is not too strong in the pork mixture. You don’t want ginger as a dominant flavor.”

Make sure you get really thin ones. Some of the wrappers out there are made for the big egg rolls (think of the ones you get with Chinese takeout) and while they work, the thin ones are the best. You get thin layers piled up as you roll them, and they end up delicately crisp, as opposed to a heavy crispness akin to

  1. I dunno... apprentices in Star Wars usually lead to murder and mayhem rather than productivity. ;)

He shall double his efforts! 

THIS is good Jalopnik. This is what we need more of from the writers on the site. It’s sad that it has to come from the commentariat instead, but at least it’s here. 

Yeah, they also once tried to get a Murano hybrid going. It was about as popular as a vegan dish at a Texas BBQ stand. 

Yeah, they like him because he’s tough. And basically flipping off the established power brokers. To the average person, he’s lifting the country out of the muck it’s mired in.

Autorec for Adam... er, I mean, Lilith.

With all due respect to Marino, Sanders is the best football player who’s never gotten a Super Bowl ring. And that’s a damn tragedy. He was amazing, just flat out wide-eyed, jaw-dropping amazing. I wish he didn’t retire when he did. And I wish he played on a Super Bowl team just once. 

“... he can be heard screaming “help me, I need a Lamborghini””.

LMAO... well, at least that’s some honesty, right? :) That said, if a jet engine came crashing through our roof, we too would only care about hauling ass. DR and BCR objectives can come later, when there’s no longer a risk of getting flambéd. ;)

Sorry to nitpick here, but: They didn’t have a contingency for that specific event, or they don’t have any for anything that’s physically disruptive to business?

I know this is the cheap joke, but: Since when does David geek out over a rust free jeep?

“I have bad news for you, anti-DRS race fans. Your argument is, well, kinda bullshit.”

You’ll laugh harder when you realize he said nothing about having a partner. ;)