
“... HUDs force you to do so for every second of your drive.”

Why’d you have to post that? I was going to ask him what a “buku flick” was. :D ;)

He mods animals too, don’t ‘cha know. ;)

I saw that movie. I’ve not been the same since. :-S

You know, as odd as this is, it’s somehow comforting to know that Russia’s got it’s own brand of gonzo redneck engineering. It’s like they’ve got something in common with America. ;) :D

I understand the guy’s got a side business in leatherwear:

Well, as long as your briefs also have a hole right in the middle like that, you’re good to go as far as keeping cool. :D

You, a cretin...”

Probably because it was rage, therefore the emotional state robbed him of logic. I mean, that’s the point of him getting worked up, right? To show that he’s discarding rational thought for emotional outburst?

“Starlord isn’t a villain, he’s a flawed character who lets his emotions get the better of him sometimes.”

... Star-Lord...

Fat chance. Liberty Media hired a person away from ESPN to begin with, probably in preparation for this. I don’t see them letting go anytime soon.

“Twitter user named Anthony posted screenshots of his direct messageswith the woman, accusing her of “harming and killing non-human babies” by purchasing a dairy-based ice cream. He then posted a thread of tweets calling on his followers to message her.”

That’s a good point, but this guy really takes assholery to an amazing level.

“... which this lovely lady will deliver without air conditioning.” 

Daley was a @#$%@in’ bastard for doing that. I don’t care what his justifications were, he proved he was a sleazy, backstabbing politician with that move. People should acknowledge his act for what it was: An abuse of power.

F1 cars on lower Wacker? ZOMG...

I dunno... I don’t think some of those spots would be wide enough for an F1 car. Plus, I think it’d be a cold day in Hell before the city would think about building an F1 quality pit complex on Northerly. But damn, despite all that, I’d like to dream about the possibility. I’d go attend in a heartbeat.

Check out their IG. They’re not making custom rims, their product is just fans for a set of rims. They’re basically making hubcaps.