John Dziki

Your talking microaggressions...what about actual huge racist anti white posts that are on this thread and are very common on this site? Hispanic guy thinks it’s racist to be asked where his family is from???? I’m white, I get asked that all the time because of my name. The Hispanic guy has huge microaggressions he

You left off the simple one of being able to get a passport and travel overseas.

And to go further this shows how left wing this site is in that there was not a single comment on it mentioning it before or one thanking veterans for their service.

Just wondering why you didn’t bother to use a picture of American Veterans?

What these people who try to blame black crime on racism can’t deal with as institutional racism went away is when the crime rates soared.

How is organizing non citizens to vote not counted? And how is fighting all attempts to protect the voting process from fraud by requiring ID not a cheating scam? ps I was a Voting Judge for many years.

Can anyone find a state that has citizenship by birth for mothers who are there illegally?

Funny how you bring up failed assignation attempts completely forgetting it was a Bernie campaign worker that tried to take out a bunch of Republican congressmen. And it’s been Maxine Waters calling for attacks on all Republican leaders.

Could someone explain to me why science fiction authors, let alone any authors, are held to be advocating for the world view that exists in their books or in works of FICTION? When JK Rowling got successful many religious people said she obviously had to be a practicing witch. Sure that most people in this community

Dudebra you have really said an oxymoron....that a libertarian..someone who wants no/little government is a potential you really need to get the fuck off these kind of threads where you make a fool out of yourself...also read the book not just some review/wiki article.

ROFLMAO...consider that this current generation of college students has had no no punishment for anything. And needs safe spaces from any idea that they disagree with, call any ideas to the right of Mao fascist etc. I think we can now say he was right.

This is so wrong is so many ways. Tonnes of studies have been done and all have shown that Atkins, Gary Taubes etc were right.

Please tell me this was created to assist North Korea in targeting.

you people are the biggest asses in the world. you are about to get what you deserve.

Yes the fat ones will. They are slow and you want to join up with the other thin strong ones for defense/hunting.

Hope you get raped by someone as stupid as you dumb cunt. She shot the giraffe because the wildlife department of that country wanted her to because they are overpopulated in that area. You two cunts are really manly wanting to rape a 12 year old girl. Lovely to know that this passed gizmodo review. And proves again

Still a stupid idea. The A-6F was so much a better idea. Why make a fighter a bomber and get rid of a great bomber.

Or in other words read Tim Ferris’s blog and Art of Manliness blog.

Greatest Candid Camera skit ever. At a DMV they asked you what your weight was for the form and then made you get on a scale. Oh, the looks on peoples faces!!!!!!!!!!

Put enough butter on a cockroach and yes...