
Sir all you had to do was agree that they’re terrible to women and not find a way to play the both sides card.

Please please please don’t use the “Racism” card to shield the show from valid criticism. The show just isn’t funny. It’s not very good and yes there are people who definitely don’t like it because she’s brown but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s not a good show.

...J.K. Rowling fans want

Because it is. If you didn’t watch the episode, and didn’t play the game, revealing the existence of a new infected type in the title of the article, IS A SPOILER. Are you dumb? Did you get infected?

So millions of people who didn’t play the game and are watching it?

I’m not conservative or liberal.

I don’t give a shit about trans people

Many of the devs do share her views.

We get it Matt. You know vaginas well.

A lot of reused assets

slow news day?

It needs to be done. All those threads end up being a fight between the Anti JK crowd and the trolls trying to rile them up.

We’ve been trash ever since we understood the concept of power and wealth. This isn’t new.

One twist? Go rewatch his movies. That is a silly take and objectively wrong.

We’re going to get to a point where there won’t be emojis, icons, or any kind of communication.

If you’re constantly grouping up with the same cheaters over and over, it’s not “Unwitting Association”. They’re looking for a pattern of said behavior, not you randomly ending up with someone who’s cheating in a queue

If you’re constantly grouping with the same cheater over and over, it’s not coincidence.

Because “collecting waifus and husbandos and shit” is problematic.

Welcome to anime and anime-like properties. They fetishize queerness, sexual assault, children, etc.  

a 40-inch waist is a “very normal and common size to be for many body types.”