This ^. People on Facebook believe any retarded picture with Captions. Ignorance there is insane.
This ^. People on Facebook believe any retarded picture with Captions. Ignorance there is insane.
That's where we get our nuggets, chucklenuts. This is facebook stupidity and paranoia at its finest.
Basically you use adverbs, adjectives, and nouns that are spelled wrong and are grammatically incorrect.
NO SHIT SHERLOCK. thats_the_joke.jpg
If you can fly in Arma, you can fly anywhere.
She's not naked.
I'll take the game with subtitles and translated text. We don't need actors or any of that.
You're not ambitious at all. The reason I like the OUYA is NOT because of what it is right now. It blows. Software issues, they underclocked the hardware.
Your phone is also literally 7 times more expensive. Also chances are it's only about 30omhz faster. Plus it's all in the software. Also, it was underclocked. With some tinkering you can beef the CPU up to 2ghz and the GPU to 650mhz easily, and since it doesn't run on battery power, unlike your phone, it actually runs…
I have a Cermak right across the street from me.
GAF is like a totalitarian 4chan. If your opinion differs from the rest of them you're a troll.
Stop trolling.
Why are high schooler's always portrayed as super good looking models? We all know that's far from the reality.
This wallet of mine glows with an awesome power!
You sound awfully shillish.
Stop using this picture. I have a fetish I'm not proud of.
We all know that couch.
It's not important. They didn't change the gameplay or mechanics.
You really don't need to know english to play it. I have the previous title and it's pretty easy.