
I thought he should have business cards:

@avclub-8e3b3550b00b4eae43a21cfb2eccf60d:disqus Joan was taking off the necklace the second time we saw the scene.  The first time it was just her walking out of her bedroom in the robe.

@avclub-8e3b3550b00b4eae43a21cfb2eccf60d:disqus Joan was taking off the necklace the second time we saw the scene.  The first time it was just her walking out of her bedroom in the robe.

So, Pete's insurance policy that covers suicide from a few episodes back?  Does Lane have one of those, too?

So, Pete's insurance policy that covers suicide from a few episodes back?  Does Lane have one of those, too?

I also vote for "That sounds exactly like a Star Trek episode to me!" Then again, everything I know about Star Trek I learned from Futurama.  It also sounded like a solid Twilight Zone episode.  I like the one where drunk driving results in alien abduction.  Aliens who are actually just giant humans with giant human

I also vote for "That sounds exactly like a Star Trek episode to me!" Then again, everything I know about Star Trek I learned from Futurama.  It also sounded like a solid Twilight Zone episode.  I like the one where drunk driving results in alien abduction.  Aliens who are actually just giant humans with giant human

I'll counter your "sixties revisionism" with "pop-culture reductionism."  
(I might come back to this later.)

I thought it was Harry who thought kids liked cartoon devils.  Harry who is not a creative type.

The also make body tape, my guess was the lining of the coat was taped to her skin, but it was thick enough that you couldn't tell.  And maybe some digital clean up for stray bits.

Also, did Roger say the word "impactful" tonight?  I'm sure I've read some stuff about how that word only showed up in the last nine years or so.  My spell check is flagging it as we speak.

Roger had a quote when trying to get Ginsberg to collude with him, to no real end. He needed him to give him an idea to use on a client that would eventually be credited back to Ginsberg, anyway.  Roger said something like "When a man hates another man very, very much, sometimes he has to show that something is his,

After seeing the background when they were on the road, the whole sequence with Don actually pulling out of the parking lot and leaving Megan was really odd.  Because of the car movement and the totally real glare on the windows, I was sharply jolted into "Jon Hamm is sitting in a car in a parking lot in LA sometime

I'd like to add a vote for "Doesn't everybody know that Timothy Leary had a 'soft spoken 9 year-old boy who happens to be as tall as a 40 year-old man vibe'?"  Professor Egghead in the scene had none of Leary's boyish charm/eeriness.

I had a bit of an OCD "Why are they wasting all of that food?! And the ice cream, too?!" reaction.

I think a major part of their dynamic is what Jane said during her trip, that she turned down an affair after one kiss and was mad at Roger for not appreciating her sacrifice.  I think Don resents Megan for not realizing how much worse he was in the past.

Yes, let's not forget Pete and Trudy Campbell.  Or even how Ginsberg and Bobbie Barret's comic husband from years back speak..  Another speech comment, during the Heinz pitch, Ken Cosgrove pops up with "I saw you.." and I definitely thought "where did that Southerness suddenly come from?" not the words, but the

Jane's psychiatrist's made comments at the party to the effect of "People spend forever trying to rationalize a mistake.  They figure something out and feel better.  Then they go and make that same mistake over again."   This fit with the way they reminded the audience that the episode was the same day on repeat. 

I'mma just leave this here, since then maybe someone will see it:

Peggy's whole business didn't even seem sexual or erotic to me, so at first I was matching it with the movie about lions and decided it was equivalent to playing with a wild animal.  It was unusual and very risky.  But then it also seemed like an exercise in control after that client shot her down.  He couldn't handle