
Ooorrrrr, maybe people are pissed because he deflated the supposed mystery the show was building by making an already bad guy worse and undercut any expectation that this House is populated by anything more than reactionary eternal beings with surprisingly minimal capacity for forethought.

The doctor who talked to Ben is the same obstetrician that Vivien was seeing before she went to the psych hospital.  Though, I think it's reasonable that she would inform those doctors of the unusual situation, depending on who signed what forms.

That phone call from the doctor was definitely one of my "wow, they're just giving up now, aren't they?" moments.  They tried to cover it with her stating that he was the medical proxy, but the info still wasn't medically relevant yet.  The writers didn't think a doctor would consider she might be putting her patient

Hah! Exactly. Also a pretty good description for the overall structure of this show. "Rubber Man" was basically all "We thought of a bunch of stuff and when we get through building it all up we'll have something clever! Oh, uhhh, it's Tate! And Hayden is in control of everything, even though she's the newest addition

There are so many places where there would be way more blood in real life, like Moira's chin would not have a single dainty drop, her face would've been covered.  And Tate getting shot, from what I can remember right now.  I guess some of that is just that it's basic cable, but for me it just makes me care a lot less

After checking wikipedia, it appears that the type of "hysteria" believed to be curable by sex was described in the 2nd century AD.  I had only thought of it as a 19th and 20th century thing, and that the "uteruses are bad for you" idea was from the BC years.  It still seems that the dialogue kinda skipped over that

Other thoughts: Wouldn't Tate have to know he was a ghost to be participating in all of this?  Is he convincing his mom he thinks he's still alive and then lucky-for-him Violet thinks that's what he thinks, too?

Yay! A place to comment on this show that's not an entertainment news site trying to force me to believe it's titillating.  I wasn't fixated on who was in the suit at all, it just wasn't an issue in the plot of the show itself, right? I just assumed it was some demon of a higher order than all the other lost souls of