Now the question comes up do women find this sexy or repulsive?
Now the question comes up do women find this sexy or repulsive?
This is what sexualisation of men feels like, mates. Not that inviting now is it?
Maintaining a relationship is hard.
“went out of their way” Pirating is like one click away. I am not defending piracy but when the minimal wage in your country is about 250$ pirating seems the only way out. I have bought games that really deserve, it in the end, like the Dark Souls franchise.
Why should prostitution be driven to extinction?
The dev kit is soon coming. Expect some controversial shit. I actually can’t wait.
I may not like cats, but I don’t judge people who own them until they start shoving cat pictures and cat stories down my throat.
Well, maybe the guy who pledged 7000$ reconsidered his investment. He has every right to do so.
It was very short, and in my playthrough too buggy. I kept falling through the floor. Also, the controls felt clunky with the controller.
Should the doll file for sexual harassment? I bet we can find her a lawyer. She has rights!
I will play anything that tries to clone Dark Souls.
That was an ironic death.
I don’t see Djura as an asshole. He just protects people who had the misfortune of turning into beasts.
Every extremist from any movement sucks.
Isn’t that how it works? You can only review a game that you own.
There should be a compilation for every fighter. I heard everyone has different testicle sizes and I want to see them all!
You are watching the ENB playthrough, aren’t you?
That always happens on the first blind playthrough through a souls game. Because they never shove information right in front of your face, which is why the NG+ is much more rewarding than in most games.
That is because there is less controversial clickbait.
I am just waiting for a brain upload into a virtual reality. We are all living in illusions. I don’t think another layer of “reality” would matter. This layer would have the pros of being enable to bend to our will. It’s all a game, really.
We are all hedonistic pieces of shit, hiding behind a vile. We should…