
"sword-wielders have a touch of Devil May Cry flavour"

I agree as long as not all games follow this. Sometimes I would like my games to be sexists to an extent. I like my girls to be sexy even though they might wear unpractical armor or walk down a runway like at a fashion show. That goes mostly for MMOs where characters really don't have a personality so the armor is

As a psychology major we had this example in our first year books. They will always intersect at least once. Look at it as two people, one going back and one claiming, they will always meet, at some point.

Maybe Japanese people have a different view on these things.

This was the only one I read in one sitting. Just because I am a slow reader and it took me 5 hours.

I just ignore her.
Can't people do that? It is a much more effective way to deal with this stuff.

I kinda like it, in a silly kinda comical style with below average story like Arrow, Flash and Constantine. Nothing groundbreaking, but a fun time killer.

Kill yourself.

But the flying is fun.

I always wanted to know what happens if you eat that kind of material.

I don't think sexism will ever be solved. I am talking here from a second world country, where sexism is heard every day and is wildly accepted not only by males but also females.

It does not feel fresh, but the new gimmicks look nice.

Tolkin changed how we visualize Elves. Every time I hear about elves or see them in a games they have more of a Tolkin then folklore feel. So I guess it worked out for him.

If that gets more girls to read comics and also increases the likelihood of me finding a mate who shares my hobby, I am all for it.

There is a difference between a person and the persona they were playing in a show.

I became one with the couch.

You got me there mister. It was all a plan to intimidate you so you don't mess with the Illuminati.

You really are a tool.

As a comic colorist that has a facebook page, deviantart, twitter and tumblr. I don't thing saying your name would be doxing you. You are all over the internet. Maybe I am a fan and would recognize that profile picture?
I just hate people nagging about social justice in a place that doesn't need it. It's like spreading