
Hillary 1996: Superpredators.

Good god, you are fucking retarded if you think she had to literally pull a gun on those people and do the job herself. Are you fucking kidding me? Yes, she was ‘involved’. Fucking with wording doesn’t disprove anything. Are you not willing to do a little digging? Want me to Google that for you too?

Yeah, exactly. That shit belongs on Gawker. Gawker got sued. Gawker is gone. Why don’t you liberals go jerk off on its archive and GTFO.

No better way to say fuck you to anyone who used to like Kotaku than to post ‘dank trump memes’ and call everyone a fucking racist every article. The Gawker old guard should all go to hell for corrupting every single thing that made the sister sites fun. Kotaku is becoming more like Gawker after every article. Totally

I never used to have disdain for Kotaku, but seriously, fuck you for leading Kotaku to Gawker hell. Every post you make is getting more political here.

You know his innermost thoughts and feelings about any and everything? I take it you are some kind of psychic? Get the fuck out of here with your racist rhetoric, we get it, you hate white people.

I don’t see polls aimed at black people that are then slandered as racists. The fuck is up with white bashing around here? Fuck you racists.

She did come out to say “WHY AM I NOT 50 POINTS AHEAD GUYS?!”. He means this and 08.

Way to lay on the racism Tom, why don’t you go back to browsing Stormfront with Ashley and bump up your post counts. You have no shame, self hating white twat.

Consider the fact the United States goes to war almost exclusively against non-whites ever since its inception. Does that seem like a good foreign policy to you? We have had plenty of racist presidents apparently.

She’s a known bigot and racist. No doubt she frequents it.

Its pretty easy if you are a regular like Ashley, known bigot and racist.

I bet you found this casually surfing their site, as a regular. Ashley of Gawker, known bigot and racist.

We demand answers.

I played it on a potato back then and still felt attached enough to want to finish it. Its more of an old school game than PoE though so be wary. I would put it at a 7, or a dumb ass Kotaku YES. Good call asking readers, you know they are too busy reviewing pron and politics to bother with games.

We will never know here on Kotpolitku.gawker.com

What the fuck Nathan? We don’t get game reviews anymore, but we get politics and pron. Thanks.

Why the disrespect?

I’ve played a little bit since then, the game is getting a little better but I mostly just went free roaming.

You lack any critical thinking skills if you believe that there was no wrongdoing by the Clinton foundation, more so if you believe that FBI mouthpiece when Hillary just last night admitted to her actions during the debate. What’s the point of reading if you have zero comprehension?