
Nah around here it’s “GRR I HAVE A V6 SEDAN I MUST PASS EVERYONE. FUCK YOU SOCIETY I DRIVE A MAXIMA. Wtf are turn signals for, I know I’m turning!”

Extra low mileage Murcielago for sale. Recently serviced, fresh paint. Only 37k miles! Asking $250,000 or best. No lowballers, this is a RARE car, I know what I have.

Can’t, too many Subarus to get rid of the vapers.

(Sorry, somebody was gonna do it. This is truly awful)

For that amount of money, I’d just buy a real Volkswagen Beetle.

Eh, screw it. Just throw a bunch of spinning Doritos in the engine bay. Light weight and all the brappyness the beginner needs.

His mother should have swallowed.

Maybe he was trying to turn his headlights on to help him stop

Take a thtar, you magnifithent bathtard.


It’s like what Mike Tyson said, “Everyone’s Walter Rorhl until they understeer into a ditch on a dry public road in broad daylight.”

Dat departure angle

can we just hear the motor sounds?!?

Some of the best food anywhere is roadside.

Also not a brown diesel manual Miata wagon. :)

Whose #12?

Exactly. I blame the Chinese for buying too many Buicks.

just swap in a lexus v8 and you are good to go!