Nah. Same car... but... with a roll bar and no back seat!
Nah. Same car... but... with a roll bar and no back seat!
“what if I use these meth crystals under the tyres to get traction!?”
That wing is terrible. Looks like it is wearing an orthodontic head gear backwards. Also, those aftermarket wheels, why? The originals look far better. Then slap on engine work that will keep factory-trained techs from touching this, all the way to the disturbing lack of pictures of the add-on gauges.
Crack Pipe. This guy wants more money for the bodykit and wheels -both are terrible. The car is also black, which for some reason is the worst color on a 996.
All those upgrades. Basically it is just a rich person’s version of a tricked out corolla. Sorry, but you don’t get back the price you spent on mods to a corolla and you do not get the money back on this. CP.
A supercharged 911?
“The plane is an eyesore!” -Some guy who probably owns a Nissan Juke
Yeah, but most do uphold the law and get blamed for the slugs that don’t, along with a moronic public and press that rarely sheds light on the good cops that have to settle domestic fights, thieving ladies and drug addicted kids.
Nope that’s just you. I love how your type is all so called progressivey and will White Knight it up when someone tries to accuse an entire race or the female gender of being something based on the actions of one but you have no problems doing that for males. Go hate yourself, by yourself, and stop trying to get…
More likely they make the 2 discs in the same factory and its just a mix up in packaging.
Bitch is a genderphobic micro aggression.
Agreed. I am personally getting sick of all of this crap. If you want to make a game about Peach saving Mario just do it! But don’t try to shove your ideals down the rest of our throats and make people feel bad for making something just because it does not meet your personal beliefs. I think people are reading way to…
Really? That’s your justification? Shit material?
...and I’m as underwhelmed as I figured I’d be. I’m going to go out on a limb and assume that it’s going to be about as powerful as the WiiU with maybe a boost here or there. Anything more and the battery life would be catastrophically bad. Next gen this ain’t.. which isn’t always a bad thing and is very very…
Gonna toot my own horn and say I submitted this to you Jalopnik on Tuesday. Thanks for the article.