Was in the shop for repairs
Was in the shop for repairs
Used to drive a box truck doing electrical work, we have these out here in Omaha Nebraska and boy are they nice when you have to stop a vehicle that has significant weight and a load that could shift around inside. Ours flash with timing so that at 5-10 over the PSL you’d never make the yellow and would run the red…
Found the guy that makes 100% unobtainable
This is a perfect example of why I hate most limos, the center glass is pinched and looks way off. The front roof has a hump where they connect to the rest of the body work. Most limo makers seem to do this (new glass is smaller and roofline doesn’t flow with the new bodywork. It looks awful
That laugh at the end got me
The c50? Or c52 manual trans from a corolla would fix it, but really it's just a car (coming from a celica supra/mr2 fan)
2:54 in that video, one of the smoothest transitions I've seen
Amazon's new firemail
They just needed more time to prepare for the Supra's arrival
What can it be falling from the sky?
Im just here to say all of you need stop this ruckus
The kind that has a coke problem
Torchinsky+culture for those who didn't catch it
Construction or electrical? I heard electrical conduit prices basically doubled
I don't think they're leaks if you inhale and hold it in
Put it up for 300k on CL