Brap who?
Brap who?
Why would you race anyone? Just drive from point a to b and follow the laws. I could sympathize if you were talking about merging or racing closed course but talking about racing a Camry just makes me laugh at how people drive on the road and try to pass each other, race, and generally out douche each other.
Pretty sure that’s a supra bro
Something with Willy’s... Captain willy?
No one will even notice you
Well done you found a hole in my argument the, Wii U OS not being paid for. I agree that if someone wants to play the game that they should try the switch or Wii U. And if they have a Wii U or switch then I feel like emulation is more justifiable. Thanks for the reasonable response.
Are used games and systems part of the problem? I bought a Wii U and breath of the wild used and none of that money went to Nintendo, I am not a pirate because of that but the way some people think I’m technically not supporting the company (same effect as a pirate, no profit). Also I will emulate it when cemu matures.
No your paying for a game and playing it, if you bought everything used no profits would go to Nintendo anyways (most all Wii U’s are used at this point or refurbished). Some of these people feel like unless Nintendo and the devs get a cut you are not ethical. Which means they must hate used games being legit…
No its buying a game and playing it on another system. If I bought a Mac and bought windows to install on it am I screwing over Microsoft and their hardware endeavors? No they’re making one more software sale they wouldn’t have had since their hardware wasn’t bought in this instance anyways. No profit < some profit
I bought a Wii U and BOTW used and have no other games so install base is irrelevant as I’m offline. Nintendo saw none of my money and yet you speak as if you are presenting facts when there are obvious holes in your argument.
And not all people (myself included) bought from retail that would benefit Nintendo (used system and game) with their purchase. I’m not a pirate but from his wording I’m miserable scum for not getting a Wii U and BOTW from channels that pay the dev or Nintendo.
I reread your op, and I get what you mean. I really don’t disagree with you but I believe you made it sound cut and dry as in “not paying Nintendo or dev = scummy person”.
I’m just pointing out the flaws in YOUR logic, pirating is bad but if someone buys used they are literally as you said “taking part of their income away like this asshole is clearly very interested in (with his “clear message”), (and obviously) then you’re a miserable excuse for a human being.” Does that make sense?…
I bought a Wii U and breath of the wild though. I’m just saying you made a stupid comment because people can buy a product and not give profit to a company by buying used like I did. Did I not support the industry enough to be clear of being labeled pirate scum?
I hope Nintendo take this down,
Seriously guys, if you are playing it on the emu, you are both denying sales on a system on its way out and the potential of a system on its way in.
Shit I bought a Wii U and BOTW used at a local game store, I didn’t consider the lost profit for Nintendo and how bad I stiffed them.
And if you buy a Wii U and botw used at a game store you get the same package and poor Nintendo loses all the profits. Buying/selling games and systems used takes away manufacturer profit (most of the time) the same as a pirate acquiring a product without direct payment to the company. Does that make gamers that sell…
I have a PC and follow the same logic you explained, but I bought the Wii U as I have a list of games to collect on it and there won’t be a hardware revision. I will get the switch when a limited edition or hardware revision is released (latter is know to be years apart with nintendo). I’d say hold tight and play it…