
This method is ok, but it's just ok. Now that there are so many dedicated apps soporifically for managing tasks though, I feel like this is overly complex so I use a tasks manager for managing tasks.

What I'm looking for is a method for organizing *notes*. Reference and action are distinct, to my mind. Does anybody

oops. it looks like the site you linked to way too many times is in legal trouble. way to go there buddy.

I like that too but it doesn't say how they made it. does anybody know?

Does MusicBee auto-tag with the option to fill in the genre tag? My music collection's genre tags are all a mess and I'm looking for a good fix.

This has since been made available for Chrome and is now apparently broken for Chrome. I'm having trouble finding a good way to do this (for example, on the getbootstrap.com builder form). Maybe it's time to reevaluate any options that there might be for this?

I noticed that Javascript doesn't seem to be something listed to start with. For front-end developing, is it OK to start with Javascript or should I learn something else first? I've already got the knack for HTML and CSS and I'm looking to grow.

free is good!

My TV is only 720p anyway, but even so I might be willing to make the switch to Plex, since XBMC does seem to crash a lot when I run it on my Apple TV. I assume it might behave similarly on the OUYA?

Isn't "universal remote" already a thing? Can my smartphone act just like one? If so, I'd like to get rid of the "universal remote" that I already have, or are you just saying that a smartphone can be a remote control for "lots of things"?

Would this be a good replacement for the XBMC-enabled Apple TV2? (mine crashes a little too often) I'm not a huge gamer, so for me a cheap/easy XBMC machine is enough. Classic games are extra bonus!

What does it mean, "change its icon". Sometimes I prefer a built-in icon, even though I've changed the association. Seems like it'll do that, but other times I prefer to load up a custom icon. Does this manager allow for adding custom icons?

food not lawns!

Nothing else has AirPlay, right? I'm content to fire up iTunes only when I want to sync my iPhone, but AirPlay really is the bees knees in my living room, anyway.

Formating looks a bit off on this one. Makes it tricky to read.

I was fond of using WriteSpace for a while, to make Word into something a bit more distraction-free. Nowadays, I just use Byword or SublimeText for that, but WriteSpace was nice for saving that extra step when you want to use Word for the final version.

They make AutoPager for Chrome too. It has a "rules" feature, so you can teach it about various sites that do multi-page articles.


Oh noes! The images broke :(