
I wouldn't necessarily call going from Windows 7 to Windows 8 an upgrade.

yelling actually works, as at some point the wife (if available) will step in and de-wrinkle the yelled at object as she'll be fed up of you yelling. For shirts, the water thing actually has worked for me, however thicker fabric doesn't care at all about the wet.

Somewhere in here there's a joke about Macs being nothing but a trash receptacle for people who think they can make art.

Because I haven't been following Mac or tech news, I was really confused why there were two different garbage cans in the lead image.

Here's what happened.

I find it a little odd that you see a generic touchscreen phone with no identifying marks and assume it to be an Android phone.

They are bombing them at home. There have been several cases of wedding parties and funerals being bombed, and that is clearly not a battlefield.

yeah, you're right, the president had nothing to do with increased drone attacks.

No, just ones who get the PEACE PRIZE

Meanwhile Obama gets a peace prize...

What happens when machines build machines and humans no longer need to work ?

You would be surprised. I know labs that are trying to teach AI to learn and write code.

"What do you mean you don't have flight mode?"

Gizmodo, you silly amateurs, thats when the flight mode comes in

"Turn left in 500 feet"

While Windows have Live Tiles, iOS has Death Icons

Apple needs to hire someone to scream "THIS IS SHIT!" at people. STAT.

Highways have been in beta since the 50's.

Every time a business puts a new customer service plan or system into place and touts its "convenience." What they really mean is that they are automating things and that it's convenient for them, not for you.