
Nah. Instagram should be renamed Sahara Desert because everyone in it is thirsty as fuck.

I’m confused, are you arguing that because they make so much money they shouldn’t have an issue with making a poor investment? Or they should do so out of charity?

if machado stood his hair straight up he’d look like a treasure troll

Is it possible that it’s maybe not outright homophobia, but still pretty shitty to criticize someone for not being gay the way you want them to be (politician or not)?

Your sister is NOT a vegitarian.can we just stop this? Call her a pescatarian. 

That’s not how the First Amendment works. It’s not simply that nobody will stop you from speaking, it’s that you won’t face legal consequences for your speech. If I write a book the State doesn’t like and they throw me in prison for it, they can’t say “Well, we didn’t ban your book, we just put you in jail. We haven’t

Domestically, Sanders and Warren are examples of more or less parallel evolution — while both currently espouse a European-style social democratic welfare state, they’ve come to that point from very different starting locations.

Who got their independence?

I gotta say: I’ve been avoiding WWC Deadspin articles and just coming across Rapinoe’s interviews randomly from other sources, and it’s weird how much less angry they make me. She’s actually quite charming! Deadspin’s doing a better job of taking her quotes out of context and framing them in the most obnoxious and

Not just that, but the holiday, despite what a bunch of chodes have turned it into, is commemorating the anniversary of that declaration of independence and *not* some imagined subsequent American exceptionalism.

I am all for criticizing the places this country falls woefully short, and I have no problem highlighting these instances in any way a person sees fit.

“What has America done for the benefit of mankind? Let our answer be this–America, with the same voice which spoke herself into existence as a nation, proclaimed to mankind the inextinguishable rights of human nature, and the only lawful foundations of government. America, in the assembly of nations, since her

Meh. I spend the other 364 days a year worrying about, trying to improve, and criticizing America, which, for many of the reasons you list, is pretty demanding. Tomorrow is the one day a year I celebrate and try appreciate our country. I know this site is a whirlpool of negativity, but as someone who has spent many

I will very much mocked for this, but signing a guy to a max contract, who won’t play for you for a year and is coming off an Achilles injury, seems dumb.

So I decided to read up on this because honestly I don’t trust Taylor Swift. In my eyes she’s the paragon of manipulative feminism. She’s only a supporter when it benefits her and her outing by KimK just confirmed to me what I was suspicious about all along.

Other famous Austrian painters include...

To be fair, the MLS teams are not making as much profit as those European clubs. I do think a strong women’s league in the US attached to the men’s league would be a boon for both men and women’s teams

I suspect the “thief” was just a member of the building cleaning staff who unknowingly moved the chair to a different room.

My girlfriend on long car trips loves to play the “Name all 32 NFL teams”-game.