maybe a new press secretary.
maybe a new press secretary.
probably figured he wasn’t pledging allegiance, but being pledged allegiance **to**.
that first one is not the sort of rabbit you want. it reminds me of this:
that sounds like a boring movie though.
i want to see gun violence become much more infrequent here, like it is in other countries. so i should start stealing people’s guns?
so she was leaving him, and he stopped her. how does that not compute? of course he was crazy, but a kind of crazy that follows a simple, obvious logic; a kind of crazy that seems to afflict men much, much more often than women.
you got me wondering what proportion of suicides are like what you describe.
if that’s sharia then can i get a allahu akbar!?
maybe he’s just especially bitter because both his partners decided that things were just fine, except for him. how could that not be upsetting?
in the buddhist pali canon there’s the sermon of the seven suns, which ends with the whole world a blazing inferno that sends a spark up to heaven, which also burns. it has this line: “All things are impermanent, all aspects of existence are unstable and non-eternal. Beings will become so weary and disgusted with the…
“There are selectively edited videos doing the rounds, as part of a co-ordinated effort to discredit me from establishment Republicans, that suggest I am soft on the subject.”
it’s complicated for *him*, because the breitbart people who love him so much also happen to hate jews.
that does nothing to counter the bullshit.
yes, that, and to arm them with the tools to counter that bullshit where ever they see it.
yeah, he’s new to me too. i found an article where he was talking shit about women. i don’t know how to find it and i can’t remember what he said, just that it was outrageous. like, very self-consciously outrageous, if you get my meaning. based on what i saw from his appearance on bill maher he’s just a troll, and…
it’s kind of phallic considering the slide it’s own is about plastic surgery on the vagina.
agree completely. though the article’s method would probably be good for someone who can’t quite do a proper push-up.
the refrain, “how would *you* feel if *you* were a nazi?”, is a shitty one.
he trumped that bitch.