
yeah, katamari damacy’s hard to beat.

Now playing

grim fandango’s pretty much the greatest. i also personally love the riven soundtrack, though i get that it isn’t everyone’s cup of things.

“( When 99% of the time it turns out it was justified )“

i loved how the triggers on the gc controller felt and the face buttons. i think the c stick was a regular analog stick stuck in an octagonal hole, making it a sort of analog d-pad, which i think was clever but in truth i don’t have much of any memory of using the c stick one way or the other.

you tell her, indiana!

like, a man man or a human man?

i thought the same until the line at the end, “show ‘em what’s underneath. show ‘em your jockey.”

clever single-entendre

a landside of historical proportions.

i think you’re very wrong about that.

the school can just ban all clubs then, professor umbridge style, right?

this is how trump wins.

this response is premised on the judgement of the guy who pulled out a gun after losing a fight at a kids movie with the dad of a kid he confronted for... something. whatever it was the kid did, the guy who pulled out a gun after losing a fight at a kids movie thought it was egregious. but, who gives a fuck what that

okay, but the sega saturn is my favorite console of all time.

sonic 4 played like shit though. i don’t think how it looked was the cause of that.

there’s no contradiction. the super fast segments *were* few and far between. the game *does* encourage you to go as fast as you can, and to do that you need to control your momentum. the game *does* require platforming, which limits how fast you can go. there are opposing forces it the game, as in any game.

yeah, those fast stretches are fleeting. they’re enticing you to go faster.

yeah, sonic is a bit like a single player racer. NiGHTS is even more like a racer, which a lot of people never got. they’re presented like mascot platformer things, but they really aren’t.

going fast isn’t interesting if it isn’t dangerous. being able to go fast for long stretches of the game without getting hit is something you have to learn the level for. the slow acceleration is part of that, you use the level to get up to speed quickly and retain your momentum. the game isn’t flawed, it just isn’t a